I Surrender All
I Surrender All
All To Thee My Blessed Savior
I Surrender All
Verse 1
All To Jesus I Surrender
All To Him I Freely Give
I Will Ever Love And Trust Him
In His Presence Daily Live
Verse 2
All To Jesus I Surrender
Humbly At His Feet I Bow
Worldly Pleasures All Forsaken
Take Me Jesus Take Me Now
All To Jesus I Surrender YouTube / All To Jesus I Surrender Lyrics
Verse 3
All To Jesus I Surrender
Make Me Savior Wholly Thine
Let Me Feel The Holy Spirit
Truly Know That Thou Art Mine
Verse 4
All To Jesus I Surrender
Lord I Give Myself To Thee
Fill Me With Thy Love And Power
Let Thy Blessings Fall On Me
Verse 5
All To Jesus I Surrender
Now I Feel The Sacred Flame
Oh The Joy Of Full Salvation
Glory Glory To His Name
Words: Judson W. Van De Venter, 1896:
In the words of Judson W. Van De Venter "The song was written while I was conducting a meeting at East Palestine, Ohio, in the home of George Sebring (founder of the Sebring Camp Meeting Bible Conference in Sebring, Ohio, and later developer of the town of Sebring, Florida). For some time, I had struggled between developing my talents in the field of art and going into full-time evan gelistic work. At last the pivotal hour of my life came, and I surrendered all. A new day was ushered in to my life. I became an evangelist and discovered down deep in my soul a talent hitherto unknown to me. God had hidden a song in my heart, and touching a tender chord, He caused me to sing."
Judson W. Van De Venter published a number of books of religious music, but this song must have been one of his favorites: its title "I Surrender All" was on Judson W. Van De Venter tombstone.

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