Waiting is not wasting:
In Christian life, waiting is an essential part. Waiting is definitely a boring and frustrating experience. In India, we learn this art by waiting on long queues for taking transports, buying gas and other essential commodities and even to caste out votes. Waiting is not wastage of time because we are doing with a purpose. This time could be profitably spent provided we learn from this experience. Nevertheless, waiting without hope is wastage. A waiter in the hotel is not wasting but working.
Waiting is not worrying:
Some Christians continue to worry while waiting. When worry dominates, a person’s life it signifies that hope has been replaced or displaced. Worrying is also expression of unbelief. Worry always pertains to future. We worship the Lord who is the Lord of the future. In addition, worrying is unnecessary exercise that brings no profit to our personal life. Instead, it makes us collapse.
Waiting is not wandering:
When Lord wants us to wait like Elijah by the brook of Kerith (I Kings 17; 3), we prefer to wander searching for food. God has His own agents like ravens to feed us. Wandering is to solve our own problems and a not letting God to do it.. Waiting is complete trust in God with anticipation and expectation. By waiting we are strengthened and renewed (Is 40:31).
Watching is waking:
Crane waits patiently for the fish to pass by. However, it is also alert and awake to catch the fish. A Christian has to be awake to realities, situations and possibilities. This means no postponement; no negligence; no lethargy. William Barclay writes, “One of the most dangerous days in a man’s life is when he discovers the word ‘tomorrow’. “Wake up O sleeper, rise; from the dead and Christ will shine on you.” (Eph 5:14). Blessed are those who are awake, alert and agile. (Rev 16:15).
Watching is walking:
A person who has hope in His coming purifies himself (I John 3:3) A Christian has to reflect his hope of Christ’s return by a Holy walk. Christians should walk by faith, in love and in light. “We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.” (Heb 6:11) Diligence and consistency should be our style of walking.
Watching is warning:
God has made us a watchman (Ezekiel 3:17). We are called to warn the people around us about the coming Judgment. Christ came two thousand years ago to be the Saviour of mankind. Again, He shall come to judge the world.
Working is worshipping:
Christians are called to worship the Lord in truth and in spirit (John 4: 23). Christian community is a worshipping community. The attitude of worship should shape our thinking, words and behaviour. That means, our very life style becomes worship.
Working is witnessing:
Christians are called to be witnesses (Acts 1:8) We are witnesses for the glory, power and grace of God. We ought to witness the Gospel of the kingdom to the last person on the globe.
Working is doing will of God:
John Wesley was questioned about his schedule if the Lord was to come the following week. It is reported that he took his diary and read out his schedule and said that this shall be my schedule. He knew that he was doing God’s will and need not reschedule even if he knows the time of His coming. If we do His will at all times there is not need to be panic.
One who waits, watches and works is the winner. In 2009, we could be winners if we follow these three principles.
Each day is a closer step to Eternity
It could be Home Call or Lord’s Coming
Each day is growing and glowing
From Glory to Glory
Each day/year gives us joy and sorrow
However, ultimate victory is ours
Granted by our Lord
No regret for any day
Thanks and praises every day
New Year is again adventure with our Lord
- Dr. J.N.Manokaran
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