What to DO when you’re STRESSED OUT?

Frank Teo Kong Guan was called home to be with the Lord on 11th December 2008. He was the Training Consultant with South Asian International Fellowship in Singapore, a member of South Asian Connection and part of the SAIF Church Pastoral Ministry Team. This whole eulogy is written by Frank Teo's sister Teo Jin Lee. "The past two days has been a tremendous revelation for me about this person I have called my brother for my entire life. The testimonies from various people have given me new found love, respect and admiration for my brother and for the work he has done that has touched the lives of so many people….he has emerged larger then life to me. We are here not to mourn his passing but to celebrate Guan’s life. Guan is how he has always been called by his family. I will try to do justice to the various facets of his life. Please celebrate with me Frank Teo Kong Guan’s life."
The year 2008 is done. Never to come back. The clock has ticked. The bells have rung. Time flies even before you can think of it! Just when you thought you had time, a year is gone. “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day” wrote William Shakespeare years ago. Maybe you struggled a lot in the past year. There was debt. There was accident. There was illness. There was disappointment. There was a lot that went wrong. Now here you are peeking into 2009. You are hoping against hope for something new this year. You see, hope is what kept many Jewish prisoners alive in the Nazi camps. Many died for simply lack of hope.
If you are anything like me then I can safely guarantee that you have been wronged many times over. Most of the times it is by the people we love, cherish and trust. That is why exculpation (to clear of guilt or blame) can become very painful. Maybe because we confuse it with condoning the wrongs committed against us. Many times we convince ourselves that the person who has wronged us doesn’t deserve our forgiveness. What is important is to realise that forgiveness has nothing to do with others and ALL to do with us because it is the forgiver that benefits from this act, not the forgiven. However, it’s important to let go and forgive. Here are some reasons why you should forgive with freedom no matter what the offense.