Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Frank Teo Kong Guan’s Eulogy: A Celebration of Life

Frank Teo Kong Guan - You Were A Great Man!

Frank Teo Kong Guan’s Eulogy: A Celebration of Life

By Teo Jin Lee – Frank’s sister

The past 2 days has been a tremendous revelation for me about this person I have called my brother for my entire life. The testimonies from various people have given me new found love, respect and admiration for my brother and for the work he has done that has touched the lives of so many people….he has emerged larger then life to me. We are here not to mourn his passing but to celebrate Guan’s life. Guan is how he has always been called by his family.  I will try to do justice to the various facets of his life. Please celebrate with me.

Frank Teo Kong Guan the beloved son. The first born and apple of my parent’s eye. He was very “gwai” – obedient as a child and tried to do the right things to please his parents. But through it all he remained his own man and lived the life that he chose. 

Frank Teo Kong Guan the beloved brother never bargained for 2 mischievous sisters. He had broad shoulders not to cry on but to shoulder the blame for the numerous escapades his sisters put him through. Always the “dai goh” (Big brother) he took the brunt of the wrath of our parents, for not looking after his sisters, when our pranks and experiments went wrong.  He made it a point to guide us, his sisters on the right path and often stood his ground when we were wrong. He was ever forthright and determined.  I remember vividly, one afternoon many, many years ago….all 3 of us were playing at a friend’s house….and we were pounced upon by several boys carrying sticks…..Guan took charge and his first instinct was to get us to run….and we all ran for our lives. This was not a time to stand his ground. Guan always knew when to fight the good fight and when not to fight….

Frank Teo Kong Guan the beloved friend. Over the years he has held his friends close to his heart. Some of his friends have been with him since primary school and many more over the years have been enveloped by his immense zest for the gift of God and life. Some have told us over the past few days how he has changed their lives and how he will be missed. If the measure of a man is the friends you make along life’s journeys then Guan, dear brother, you’re the “Man”.

Frank Teo Kong Guan the talented, he had many talents but Chinese was not one of them and just when you thought a gift for languages wasn’t one of them, he masters totally foreign languages, like Urdu and Persian. He had the gift of song and music and singing was what he enjoyed, a Karaoke session was always greeted with performances of great gusto by Guan.  He dedicated his life to God’s work and he deepened his Theological Studies knowledge by getting his Master in Cross Cultural Communications this year.

Frank Teo Kong Guan the soccer fanatic. Soccer was his passion and Chelsea was his club in the old days and boy did he support them wholeheartedly…when he wasn’t cheering his favorite soccer team, he was coaching his son’s soccer team or passionately supporting his son’s games from the sidelines. He also tirelessly labored to expand the ACS Soccer Academy…....he was always after more goals….but the greatest goals he scored were as a striker for God.

Frank Teo Kong Guan the adopted son of Pakistan. When he joined the OM and got into an accident that nearly claimed his life, we thought the flame within him for Pakistan would grow dim. But he had found his life’s work and passion in Pakistan, nothing could deter him. It was where he felt God’s calling and where his greatest passion lay. It was this place where he was branded a fugitive for spreading God’s word and where he saw his greatest triumphs as a missionary. He was ever committed to the people of this adopted homeland. He chose to make his final hurrah in this land where he found great meaning and love for his work. He wanted to go the distance to fulfill his life’s work before he could be prevented from doing so. So great was his determination and conviction that no one could sway him once his mind had been made up. He made his final journey in Pakistan ministering and providing food and shelter to the earthquake victims, knowing full well the cost of such an action. It is in giving that you receive and he will receive abundantly in the presence of God for all that he has accomplished for Him in his life.  

As I close, I would like to borrow a couple of lines from Rudyard Kipling’s poem “If” which I have adapted:

“If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it.
And ---which is more, you’ll be a Man, my brother!”

Frank Teo Kong Guan - You were a Great Man!

You have filled every minute of your life, you have run a good race, you have lived your life with great passion and conviction and for that we honor your memory and your life. Let’s congratulate Guan/Frank on a life well lived and lets give him a send off that befits a life lived with gusto. Please stand and let’s applaud this life. Thank you for your life, my beloved brother.

May you have a blessed journey to eternal life with God. God speed.

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