And People Stayed At Home
And Read Books
And Listened
And They Rested
And Did Exercises
And Made Art And Played
And Learned New Ways Of Being
And Stopped And Listened
More Deeply
Someone Meditated, Someone Prayed
Someone Met Their Shadow
And People Began To Think Differently
And People Healed.
And In The Absence Of People Who
Lived In Ignorant Ways
Dangerous, Meaningless And Heartless,
The Earth Also Began To Heal
And When The Danger Ended And
People Found Themselves
They Grieved For The Dead
And Made New Choices
And Dreamed Of New Visions
And Created New Ways Of Living
And Completely Healed The Earth
Just As They Were Healed.
Published March 16, 2020
Writer: Catherine O’Meara aka Kitty O’Meara

Immediately after writing, O’Meara shared this poem with her friends on Facebook. “I post stuff like that all the time. I usually don’t get a lot of response,” O’Meara says. “But this found its niche.”
That’s an understatement; the poem resonated with people instantly. Soon, a Facebook friend asked to share the poem with her own followers, and within three days of posting, her husband, encountered the poem elsewhere on the Internet. Kitty O’Meara had officially gone viral.
“Going viral is a free-fall of craziness. I was starting to get messages and texts and every other kind of communication you can receive. [My husband and I] were both laughing. Dumbfounded,” O’Meara says about the onslaught.
Since going viral, O’Meara has been flooded with letters from new fans from around the globe sharing how her words provided them with solace. “It’s just amazing,” O’Meara says. “I saw going viral as a gift to me. I was able to offer spiritual care.”
To Read More, Source Article at Oprah Daily
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