I think it’s my longest period ever that I have not seen the blue sky outside of my home. I think it’s better to obey the rules to protect myself and people around me. In today’s corona virus counts USA reaches the top position, yesterday it was Italy and just few days ago it was China. What’s happening around the world is really sad. Businesses and many industries are really going down like anything. Just 3 months ago there was no such predictions.
Yet there are lots of devastations and sadness going on, I think many people in developing nations will die due to hunger and hygiene issues than Corona Virus. It’s time to learn something and try every possible way to support one another, at the same time strictly follow social distancing.
1: Freshness in Environment
Since the lock down around the world, the pollution from vehicles and factories has reduced in massive scale in past 3 months,
2: Unity World Wide
Now every nation has one common enemy and that is Corona Virus. No one is trying to attack anyone but trying protect their own citizens.
3: No More Religious Contradiction
People used to think that their religion is better than others and they are much safer than others. But now they know that God gives the rain, sunshine and disaster for everyone, not for a particular group of people.
4: Family Time – Personal Time
When was the last time when you think to spend time with family? But now staying home is the best option to be protected. And caring, loving your family is the prime focus.
5: Calling Old-New Friends Via Phone/Video Call
Usually, people had executed that they don’t have time to call their old/new friends. Now there is plenty of time to call, to relate and to show love those are at distance via video call.
6: More Home Made And Fresh Food
Homemade food is the most hygienic because there is full control of cleaning for self. And now is the time to try food from Home Menu.
7: Respect For Doctors and Nurses
Doctors and Nurses were unsung Heroes of lifetime and soldiers were glorified. But this battle is in the hands of Doctors, Nurses, Cleaners, janitors and Scientist.
8: More Time for Reading Books
At times we buy books and collect it as a decoration item for the home library but now is the time to read them.
9: This Virus Has No Discrimination Of Rich Or Poor
Other sickness and virus rich people were able to save themselves. But this virus has brought down everyone on the same level. We all are just prey for Corona Virus.
10: Understanding Medical Power Is More Important Than Military Power
Governments around the world have invested so heavily in Military Power, War Weapons but they haven’t considered the real enemy is not visible. Now Health sector is going to be the Prime Focus of this whole world.
11: Beauty Products Can’t Really Save Anyone
So many beauty products are out there but none of them can save us. Real beauty is in character, and let’s show some compassion and care to the people around us. Be considerate and practice social distance yet helping one another on a practical basis.
12: New Work Culture – Home Office
Three months ago, many companies were not able to imagine their staff can work from home. But now it’s proved that the home office can actually work.
13: Home Schooling
It’s totally new culture, while kids are learning to learn from the computer, teachers are teaching via video chat. And yes it’s working.
14: Worshiping God At Home, Not On So-Called Religious Places
In every religion, people thought that they need to go to several so-called “Holy Land” or “Holy Pilgrimage”. But now they know to worship God in our own hearts and home not necessarily one particular place or object.
15: New Job Opportunities For Home Delivery Groceries And Lots MoreBecause of the lockdown, people are confined in their homes, but they need their daily needs. So home delivery business is really creating more job opportunities and resources for certain people.

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