Abhinav Kumar Is An Actor, Writer And Filmmaker From Mumbai, India. His Debut Movie “Sadhu Sundar Singh” Is An Internationally Awarded Christian Movie. This Movie “Sadhu Sundar Singh” Successfully Completed More Than Seven Thousand Direct Audience Shows Including Theatrical Screenings In India And In Many Other Parts Of The World, Including Through Social Media.
SSS Vision (Sadhu Sundar Singh Vision) is a Gospel Media Ministry. The founder of SSS Vision is Abhinav Kumar. He is also known as the actor and writer of the Sadhu Sundar Singh film.
Abhinav Kumar was inspired by the life of Sadhu Sundar Singh and to carry on the vision of Sadhu Sundar Singh. To this end, he started a Christian film making project to preach the good news of Jesus Christ through the life of Sadhu Sundar Singh and the Word of God using media and technology and to every place where he is invited to share and speak.
SSS Vision is basically involved in film making and screening gospel films in Churches, NGO’s, Bible Colleges, Institutions and conducting special film shows all over India and abroad.

WHY SSS VISION Sadhu Sundar Singh Vision
- Spreading The Gospel Through Media
- Carrying On The Legacy Of Sadhu Sundar Singh Vision
- Sharing Personal Testimonies
- Conducting Movie Shows (Screening)
- Film And Movie Is Ideal For All Age Groups

Sadhu Sundar Singh, (born 3rd September 1889 – death unknown) was a Sikh Punjabi born Indian Christian missionary also known as the Christ of India. He lived like Christ on earth. Sadhu Sundar Singh travelled all over India, Sri Lanka and Tibet between 1918 – 1919. He visited Malaysia, Japan and China between 1920–1922 and also visited Western Europe, Australia, Israel, Germany and the Netherlands.
Sadhu Sundar Singh preached the gospel in many countries, cities and villages. Sadhu Sundar Singh’s gospel work expanded greatly and his name and pictures were familiar all over the Christian world. Many people said this about Sadhu Sundar Singh; “He Not Only Looked Like Jesus, He Talked Like Jesus.”
Sadhu Sundar Singh was last seen on 18th April 1929 in Tibet. The life of Sadhu Sundar Singh is an inspiration for many people around the world to know more about Jesus Christ.

SSS Vision (Sadhu Sundar Singh Vision)

I like to know how to show this movie in our church.
Sadhu Sundar Singhs story is a wildly talked testimonies preached from the pulpits.
Great work Abhinav. May God bless you’ll
Great work . May God bless you’ll