Navin Saigal Life Story
Sadhu Sundar Singh – A Scandal to the Comfortable
Mourned by millions at his death, Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929) is India's most famous convert to Christianity. He rooted Christian wisdom in a distinctively Indian style and emphasized the life-changing teachings of Jesus Christ. Many Sikhs will be astounded by the discovery of this little saint and fascinated to find out why he would follow Jesus when he already had a rich and deep spiritual inheritance in Sikhism.
Jeevan Frontiers – Dr. Simon Mahendran – Captured by His Call
I was praying in my surgery, after clinic hours, one evening in 1992. Then the Lord spoke, "Arise and deliver the foreign Indian workers." He was showing me a mission field at our very doorstep, in a part of Singapore, often referred to as "Little India." This was a large community of migrant workers, Hindus and Muslims working away from their homeland in India and Bangladesh. Ministry began and still continues.
Albert Jebanayagam – A Radical Christian
Sungeeta Jain – A Model Christian
I would like to share three life-changing events in my life with you. The first event happened in 1986 when I was ten years old. One moment I was sleeping in the back seat of my parents' car with no worries in the world, and the next moment there were ambulances all around, and doctors telling my parents I would never walk again. In a matter of seconds, my life was turned upside down . . . . All of the sudden I found myself confined to a wheelchair, unable to move or feel my legs. I spiraled into a deep depression after that. On top of that, the accident stripped my home of all happiness and peace. No one smiled any more. No one laughed. There were just tears and sorrow.
Testimony of Inderpaul Singh
"If God can bless an ordinary person like myself, then why not you? We just have to let him and trust Him with all our heart. The ride that ensues will by no means be comfortable but even in your problems, there will be a peace of mind that only GOD can bestow..."
Drug Addict Turn Minister
For fourteen years, Ranjit Singh was caught in a web of drug addiction and sin, until he came to know the truth and was set free. Today, by the grace and mercy of God, he has been living a victorious life for over 12 yrs. Read his life-changing testimony.
An Empty and Frustrated Teenager Turns To Jesus
John's Search for God
Testimony of Shereen Sharif – Knowing God Personally
My name is Shereen Sharif. I was born in Vancouver, Canada into a Muslim family. Although we participated in a few religious events, my family was not very religious. I am the only Christian in my family and the story that follows recounts how I found Jesus. I have always believed in ''god'' and that, ultimately, all gods are really only one, even if they are worshipped differently. When I was young, my mom took us to churches and temples in addition to mosques. I feel now that the reason my mom went to so many different religious houses was because she was in search of the one true God, which, despite her searches, she still hasn't found. This influenced my life as I started looking for answers in all the wrong places. I started believing in palm readers and astrologers because they seemed to be able to tell me significant things about my life.