Ministering God’s Word Through Music of The Nadhaswaram
I was born in a small town in the southern part of India in a state called Tamil Nadu. Though a Muslim by birth, I grew up in a family that valued Indian tradition and culture more than religion.
My ancestors devoted their lives to Indian classical music, especially to an instrument called the nadhaswaram (pipe). I was also a part of this tradition until our Lord spoke to me through LIGHTNING and THUNDER and anointed me with His Holy spirit.
Just as the Lord chose David who played the harp for Him, I feel He has predestined me to glorify Him through my music. He called me for his ministry seven years ago and since then I have been ministering His word to His people through the music of nadhaswaram and the power of the gift of the Word of God.
He has blessed our ministry abundantly as He has used me to travel not only in many parts of India but also to many nations of the world including Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Switzerland, Australia, Netherlands, Paris, Germany London, Canada and the USA.
Many people have come to know Christ through the Gospel meetings held in many churches in these nations and are encouraged by the Word of God.
A part of our ministry is to explain the origin of the nadhaswaram and its relation to the Word of God. For ages this instrument has been forgotten by many but we find its roots in the Word of God. Indian classical music is loved throughout the world and to know that God can use this instrument to glorify Himself surprises many.
I am blessed with two sons, Sonu who is 12 and Aashiq who is 14 and my wife, Ester, has been a driving force for our ministry. Her prayers for my salvation for 10 long years were finally answered when I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ who transformed my life and gave us this ministry of “Lightning and Thunder.”
Family Background of Paul Sheik Chinna Kasim
As they say, music runs in my blood. My family has always been in the limelight for our dedication to classical music, especially my grandfather Padmashri Dr. Sheik Chinna Moulana. He has performed Indian traditional nadhaswaram concerts in different parts of the world on behalf of the Indian Government.
Our family has been performing on the radio and television for many years and has made India proud with its talents. My grandfather is the recipient of “PADMASHRI ” the highest honor given to any Indian musician, the state Government of Tamil Nadu has honored us with Doctorate and Kalaimamani as well.

Classical And Spiritual Music Concert
Talk About Multifaith, All In One Person: Paul Sheik Chinna Kasim. He Was Born A Muslim In South India, Raised With Hindu Traditions, And Now Lives A Life Of A Born-Again Christian, Where A Spiritual Experience In His Life Transformed Him.
He now finds every opportunity to spread the word of God through his classical music and the special instrument he plays. This instrument is known as nadhaswaram (or nagaswaram).
What Is The Nadhaswaram?
It is a long wind instrument, with an elongated body ending in a large opening or flare which is either made of metal or wood. This is a popular instrument in the region where Mr. Kasim was born: Tamil Nadu. Considered to be an auspicious instrument, it is often played in the Hindu temples and/or at weddings. It has a loud and intense volume, therefore it is usually played outdoors.

Facts About Nadaswaram From The Word Of God
This sacred instrument is unique and has a special place in the Bible. I feel there is some divinity about this instrument. We have seen this instrument played at many auspicious occasions. nadaswaram does not belong to any one sect or one religion. The Lord God Almighty after He created the heavens, created the angelic hosts before He created man.
In Ezekiel 28:13 we read that God gave this instrument to cherub to worship Him. In the course of time cherub was cast down by God because of his high haughtiness. cherub may have been cast down but the music was always cherished by God. This instrument still holds a significant place before God. We repeatedly see this instrument played at many occasions in the Bible.
In Genesis 31:27 we see Laban says to Jacob “Why did you run off secretly and deceive me? Why didn’t you tell me, so I could send you away with joy and singing to the music of tambourines and harps?” We notice that this instrument was an integral part of joyful occasions accompanied by singing and music.
In 1 Samuel 10:5 when Samuel anointed Saul, this instrument was again used. This was accompanied by prophetic utterances. An instrument that is so dear to our Lord has been forgotten through time and has been used to glorify pagan Gods. It is my desire to worship and glorify our Lord in heaven through the music of the nadaswaram.
A Prayerful Request From Bro. Paul Sheik Chinna Kasim
As I travel throughout the world, please pray that God will give me good health and that He will use me mightily for His Glory. Pray for all those who attend these meetings, that they may be blessed through the Word of God and the music ministry. Pray that God will pour out His Holy spirit on all those who attend these services.
Also, it is critical that we all do our part in sharing the Word of God. So please pass this website along to others so that they may know the glory of our Lord and Saviour.
Thank you
Rev. Paul Sheik Chinna Kasim

Praise the lord our Jesus for calling such telented person from classical musical background.our god can call anyone one it is amazing. He needs anyone to glorify him .i praise him god bless our brother paul kasim and use him to bring many to him.what a privilage to ne chosen by god for his kingdom.blees you blees you lord.what a melodious song though i don’t know the language i can praise the Lord with you all