This video is about our mission trip to a tribal village located in the forested area of South India.
Most of the tribal villagers who are living in the forest don’t have clean drinking water provision. They drink water from the small streams of the hills and frequently suffer from typhoid, dengue fevers and other water borne diseases.
Through Jesus The Way Ministries India Tribal Outreach, we are digging bore wells in the tribal villages of the state of Andhra Pradesh of South India.
Through these good works of providing clean drinking water, we are also sharing the Gospel of the Good News of God and the Goodness of Almighty God to these tribal villages.
This is community and love in action of water, the basic need of life.

పరమున చేరిన క్రీస్తు హతసాక్షి #shorts #praveenpagadala #telugunews

#teluguchristianmessages #shorts

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