Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Pakistan for Christ – It's Harvest Time

The Holy Spirit Is Preparing Pakistan For The Harvest

Dear beloved of Christ Jesus, our Savior and Master:

The moment I was converted to Christ, I was plunged in to spiritual warfare about which I knew nothing about. Every redemptive work I did, I was attacked. Later, I learned I was worth being attacked because Christ has chosen me and I had a greater calling and responsibility than I had realized. Every child born in God's family is born in to spiritual warfare ( Numbers 1:2-3). Gradually and progressively, I understood the plan of God and experienced the power of His Holy Spirit. Then the Master said, "Claim Pakistan for Me for I died to ransom every Pakistani at the Cross." He showed me the unseen powers and principalities that had held the Pakistani people captive. Nowhere on earth Satan and his demons exert such a powerful control. It is Pakistan where the Devil is in details.

Biblically speaking, Pakistan is ready for the harvest. Evangelistically speaking, the harvest is for short period. We must harvest now or else it will go bad. PTL for God has chosen us, you and me for the harvest time such as this. We need to be like the sons of Ischaar who understood God's hour, the fulfillment and maturation of time (1 Chronicles 12:32; Luke 19:44) and not fell in the fallacy of the fickle faith of Jerusalemites, who cried and complained at every challenge that enfolded Divine opportunity. Since the advent of the Cross the dynamics in the Cosmos have been changed. Satan still holds the right to fight with God's people, but has no right to win. Only the redeemed of Christ has the right to win provided he/she fights the fight laid out in the Bible.

We must first bind the strong man who Jesus Christ defeated and disarmed at Calvary and has placed him under our feet (Matthew 12:9; Luke 10:19; Mark 16:15-19). We cannot add to or omit anything in what Jesus already has done at Cross. He claimed, "It is finished," it is all over, it is done! We are in the phase of mopping up and collecting the spoils of the victory of Cross. Christians battles are connected to the Cross and their advances linked to the Gospel. Regardless of what goes on in the world, Christ continue unhindered to build His Church. However, most churchgoers and church leaders will not experience the full flood of the Spirit unless they incorporate their spiritual battles in to the Cross and build their advances on the Gospel, the power of God.

Our power prayers, our miracale crusades and grand schemes must be preceded with the mind of Christ ( 2 Corinthians 4:7:12; Ephesians 1:17-23; 2:4-7; 3:14-20; 4:22-24; 5:8-16; 6:10-13; Philippians 3:11; Colossians 1:9-14; 3:1-4 with Proverbs 8:10-19, 34-36). It is Sophia, the mega mind which is not necessarily the mind of a university grad who is able to maneuver over moods, knows many methods and is able to solve popular puzzles, instead it is the anointed mind through which we see Christ as a holy and reighning God, are able to discern His cause and deploy His concerns, outsmart any philosophy and are able to change a context and culture to Biblical standards ( 2 Corinthians 6:25-26). When we have the Kingdom or the dominion mentality we are not only able to destroy the giants of unbelief within but are able to subjugate spirit loosened in the world.

Before the mandate, mantle, maturation, mastery and multiplication in the Christian life we need to have the mind of Christ and to be controlled and renewed by the Spirit ( Romans 8:6;12:1-2; I Corinthians 2:16; 2 Corinthians 3:18). It is the new and unique mind-set that is exclusively Christ's, It is uniquely His and is solely for His sake. It sees the world Jesus sees and our evangelism begin the moment we look at someone with the eyes of Jesus. When mind is changed life is changed. The mind of Christ is nonnegotiable, ultimate and absolute. We are grateful that as forgiven sinners we are able to access and appropriate the mind of God - 1 Corinthians 2:9-16; Romans 8:26-27,11:33; Colossians 2:3; James 3;17; Psalms 40:5, 92:5, 139:17.

The Father see His purpose and glory only in the Son. Only Christ will change this nation for good for He is the Savior of Pakistani. I do not say it casually, I mean it and live by this passion. Islamacising has failed. This nation is gone in to a decaying mode. So called moderate Islamic government of Musharaf is replaced by by the fanatic feudal lords, Nawabs and Pirs, setting stage for more intense spiritual warfare. Thanks in part to shortsighted diplomacy and abundant investment of Americans and European marketers. Spiritual warfare in Pakistan is not only an option but urgent but imminent. The anarchy and Mullacracy will collapse when we, the redeemed recognize who we are in Christ and depend on Divine recourses!

Those who shout loud and make big claims in churches and forget what they said the moment they land in public, will not find this challenge appealing but those who cry for more of Christ and seek His Kingdom and righteousness now will find cues from this message and shall take heart from God's promises, " Ask of Me and I will give nations for your inheritance" Psalm 2:8 with Psalms 22:27; 65:2; 86:9; 102:21-22; Daniel 7:27; Revelations 5:11-12,11:15.

What can I say more and add to the Holy Scriptures? Add to what already has been said, claimed and prayed over for Pakistan? Many missionaries have shed tears for years and many ministers have been killed pursuing their calling? Many unsung heroes of heaven have gone on in to eternity without making a public debut? Yet, the Word of our God endures. Words of Prophet Isaiah seem more fitting: " Enlarge the place of your tent. For you will spread out to the right and left; and your descendants will dispossess nations" ( 54:1-8, 58:11-12; 60:1-3; 62:3-4). You will no longer be called forsaken, no longer barren and deserted but you will be called Hephzibah and Beullah land, delight of the Lord!

We can be like the first century church consisting mainly of the Jewish converts who literally lived for the Savior or become like the Jewish nation in the wilderness who lived by murmuring and bitterness. Make no mistake, the later wanted the fulfillment of Promises in the wilderness which God had made to be fulfilled in Canaan, the promised land. As soon as we get out of carnality and live spiritually that is once we get out of wilderness (slavery to sin and the old fallen self), we then enter in to fullness of the Spirit ( Canaan, the promised land). Only then we ready to poses the land, where wickedness will turn in to righteousness and we will find treasures in the darkness.

.The visions of the Lord are usually for the appointed time. The hour of Christ's vision for Pakistan has come. This realization is taking place and its fulfillment has begun ( Habakkuk 2:2-3). Now is the time that we may write it on the walls ( write it, print it, proclaim it and publish it on the hand bills as well as the Internet). The hour of God's mercy on Pakistani people and on the small Church rests now. I offer my sword to you to fight, and join you to shout in faith and courage. Take it or leave it, its up to you...but thus says the Lord God.

Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them on our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy (on Pakistan) - Habakkuk 3:2.

Your most obedient Servant,

John Taimoor

One response to “Pakistan for Christ – It's Harvest Time”

  1. Robert Yeo says:

    Shalom Rev John Taimoor’s,
    Our prayers are with you and family as we read of the terrible fire In California, including. Altadena. May God have mercy and protect the righteous.
    Love from singapore.
    Robert & Family

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