Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Global Day of Prayer

Global Day of Prayer June 4th 2006 - at a location near you!!!

Just imagine this - an estimated 500 000 000 Christians - or half a billion Christians from all nations of the earth will unite in repentance and prayer, and to collaborate as God’s instruments for the blessing and healing of the nations.

Last year on 15 May 2005, more than 200 million Christians in 156 nations united in a day of repentance and prayer for the world. Christians came together in large stadiums, open fields, market squares, churches and other public venues to pray. It was broadcast by hundreds of radio and TV stations around the world. Many prayer networks, Christian organisations and prayer leaders support this initiative.

Christians all over the world are invited to take hands in a Global Day of Prayer. This initiative will continue for the next five years, until 2010. Every year on Pentecost Sunday there will be a Global Day of Prayer.

The two key verses that are guiding our planning around the Global Day of Prayer, are 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" and Habbakuk.2:14 "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

  Youth Awakening

Is it possible that God is busy to rise up a whole new generation of prayer warriors amongst the younger generation?

What we have seen with the youth involvement of the 2005 GDOP initiative is extremely encouraging, not only in South Africa, but throughout the globe! During the 10 days of day and night prayer, leading up to the Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday, millions of young people across the globe joined in earnest, passionate prayer for their own generation and for God’s glory to cover the earth.

In South Africa young people in more than 250 towns and cities, in more than 350 venues, gathered during the 10 Days in various ways to seek God’s face in prayer. Boiler Rooms were set up in schools, community halls and at local churches and young people prayed non-stop, with millions of Christians globally. In more than 150 schools young people made the 30 Second Kneel Down sacrifice of a life of no reputation and are still continuing to do so in many places. On the 14th of May young people gathered in more than 300 venues to join with more than 360 other world venues for a “Whole Night for the Whole World”.

Reports from many nations of the world, agree that there is a new passion for prayer, followed by powerful community involvement, amongst young people all over the world. This is not only amongst teens; even amongst the younger kids prayer is making the difference. In one of the primary schools in Pretoria, children started to pray during breaks and many kids accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Now, they are gathering every day after school to pray the Word!

This is just the beginning . . .

Please click on the following link for the 2005 Transformation video mms://

Please click on the following link for the Graham Power invitation video mms://

Prayer Guidelines for the Global Day of Prayer are available in Hindi and other South Asian languages. Please visit the Global Day of Prayer official website:

Spread the Word around.
Be sure to watch the videos.
Download the Prayer Guidelines in Hindi, Tamil, Punjabi, Mayalayam etc..

Can God count you in for the Global Day of Prayer?

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