I served my local church since my childhood faithfully for 11 years (2003-2014) before God began to use me as more itinerant. My local church (UBM Christa Krupa Church Chembur) is a main line denomination but a beautiful community of Jesus loving people.
We were not hi tech but we were faithful to the call of God, whether serving young people on a Friday night Bible study, folding cables, setting up the overhead projector, changing slides, taking Sunday school, supporting the poor in the locality and taking service for them, raising young people every Sunday.
My friends and I would use our Saturday weekly offs to pray and change the hearts of leaders and authorities. The result was great favour, a healthy community and a season of revival. We didn’t wait for our Pastor or our church to be perfect.
Many young people ask me today if they should leave their church for better spiritual food or better opportunities. I would strongly advise to stick around and serve before God can honour you!

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