Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Leadership

Honor God and People

Many pastors and leaders are frustrated because they do not sense the power and presence of God in their churches. Also, many people in the church are frustrated because they do not feel appreciated and released into their kingdom destiny. We think this will come automatically with prayer, fasting, healings, and great preaching. But, if pastors would help create a culture of honor in their churches and if members would learn how to respect and honor spiritual authority there would be an incredible release of the glory of God in our midst!

From Janitor, Cook and Dishwasher To A Trainer of Leaders

Who would have thought, when in 1973, student Samuel Chand was serving Beulah Heights Bible College (BHBC) as janitor, cook and dishwasher, that he would return in 1989 as President of the same college! Under his leadership BHBC became the country's largest predominantly African-American Bible college. Dr. Chand is a former Pastor, college President, Chancellor and now serves as President Emeritus of Beulah Heights University. In this season of his life, Dr. Chand does one thing - Leadership. His singular vision for his life is to Help Others Succeed.

Getting To New Places

No leader is immune to the shifting circumstances and events that can challenge or stymie their professional or organizational progress. Advance warning of these oncoming storms, together with adequate preparation, can mean the difference between disaster and success. . .  . . . But the first step in getting there was disengaging. You cannot remain static if you want to be moving. You have to become part of something that is moving and associate with people who are moving. If your church, company or organization is going somewhere, you'll find that people will want to be connected with you so that they can go somewhere too.

Caleb the Conqueror!

Life is not a playground, it’s a battlefield! Many Christians are victims of life’s trials and temptations instead of being victorious over them. From the well-know story of Caleb (Jos.14: 6-15) there are at least three characteristics in him that can challenge believers today to be more than conquerors through Christ. God continues to search for Christians who like Caleb don’t settle for molehills but claim their mountains for God. May God enable us to find a cause, make a claim and be more than conquerors through our Lord Jesus who loving calls us to fulfill His purposes (Rom.8:31-39).

The Saintly Leadership of Mother Teresa

The Saintly Leadership of Mother Teresa taught me some valuable lessons. She was consistent in her quest to save the very poor, calling them "distress in disguise." In an audio series called "Thirsting for God," she tells of the many times when she faced the impossible just to be rewarded because of her consistency. She was loyal to her cause. In her acceptance speech when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize she simply said "I accept this in the name of the poor." These were the people she was called to lead and amidst the degradation and decadence of human decay she found the self-reliance to be loyal to her cause.

Great Leaders Are Great Givers

We come to know through the Holy Scriptures that one of the primary qualifications of a leader is to be hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8). However, can we imagine hospitality without being generous? Reflecting on the life and ministry of Paul—an apostle of Christ and a laborer in Christ’s service—we notice that many times he worked with his own hands and was generous with his earnings. He himself acknowledged: You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' (Acts 20:34-35)

What Is ‘Success’ Really About?

Who we are before God is much more important than what we do for Him. From this message to Zerubabbel we can deduce the kind of people God is looking for. At least three qualities stand out: First God uses those who are humble. Not the pushy type or those who seek the spot light but are ‘lampstands’ filled with God’s gentle spirit. Second, God can use only those who are available: like these olive trees, people who are ‘there’ and ready to feed and serve others. Finally, God delights to anoint and use people who are reliable, who like Joshua and Zerubabbel stand continuously in the presence by the Lord. Humble, available and reliable. Are you someone God can use?

Why Goals Can Be Harmful

The older and more mature in the Lord I become, the more I have learned to simplify my life and personal goals. Years ago my personal mission statement, vision statement, and goals were about two pages long. Now they are all one short sentence: “Love God and love people.” In my opinion, many of the popular self-help teachings in books today are for people that don’t know themselves or God very well. The more you mature in the Lord the less you rely on these “training wheels.” Many self-help teachers and motivational speakers get into things that are very practical, but without the leading of the Lord it is often akin to humanism.

Are You On A Breakthrough Or Burnout?

As a pastor for more than 25 years I have seen many people serving in ministry burn out in the name of Christ, then fall away from their purpose. This is even very common among senior leaders but it can be avoided. In the past several years, I have personally experienced my mind being tired, requiring me to pull back for several months lest I burnout! The following are signs that show whether you are on the verge of burnout or breakthrough. Read the full article on Breakthrough Or Burnout!

What On Earth Is Happening To The World Today?

The shaking and dismantling continues around the world’s systems, within the church systems, and within each of us. False foundations exposed brings opportunity for godly foundations to be established. It is another year of God exposing us . . . . exposing the weaknesses in our systems and methods of trying to touch Him, and trying to touch the world around us. We seem to continue to lower our standards in valuing character and integrity, especially in those who lead. Many have fallen into experiential leading of self-agenda’s, comical methods, and frenzied impressions of His presence. Nobody is laughing any longer, these are serious times, and it demands a people who know the wealth we carry in us, and the God who designed us for so much more. “The shaking we are experiencing today is a move of God . . . .

Eight Signs You Are Walking In Integrity

With the start of the New Year many people are evaluating their lives, including many ministers and leaders who are making vows and resolutions to the Lord. In light of all the scandals in the church and the intense scrutiny all leaders in society are presently under, my proposal is that one of the primary vows leaders make should be to walk in integrity. What is integrity? Integrity is basically wholeness or perfect condition; one root word of “integrity” means “soundness, wholeness;” also the root word “integer” means “whole,” that is to say, it has to do with a person living a simple life in which their public and private lives are the same, because their public persona lines up with their interior life and motivation.

American Election: Change for Change Sake?

American election has ripple effect. In the context of Globalization, election result in the super-power nation United States of America is considered significant, as its implications would have a ripple effect on the whole world.  Barack Obama has been elected as the first Afro-American and 44th President of USA.  Election 2008 would have made history even other wise as US would have elected a woman as Vice-President. Almost all heads of nations eagerly congratulated the President-elect, media coverage of the election was total around the globe, and there is lot of expectations not only in North America but in all the nooks and corners of the world.

Why Indian Evangelicals Could Rejoice At Obama’s Victory

Dear President Elect Barack Obama, Congratulations on your well-deserving victory.  As thousands of black preachers always began, we too want to begin our congratulatory note with “All Glory and Honor to God”. . . . “And I heard Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright deliver a sermon called "The Audacity of Hope." And during the course of that sermon, he introduced me to someone named Jesus Christ. I learned that my sins could be redeemed. I learned that those things I was too weak to accomplish myself, He would accomplish with me if I placed my trust in Him. And in time, I came to see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death, but rather as an active, palpable agent in the world and in my own life.  It was because of these newfound understandings that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity one day and affirm my Christian faith. It came about as a choice, and not an epiphany. I didn't fall out in church, as folks sometimes do. The questions I had didn't magically disappear. The skeptical bent of my mind didn't suddenly vanish. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side, I felt I heard God's spirit beckoning me.”

President-Elect Barack Obama’s Victory Speech – Pray For Barack Obama

Barack Obama wins the 44th president of United States Of America. He gave an inspiring presidential acceptance victory speech on November 4th 2008 at Grant Park, Chicago in Illinois. Let us pray for Barack Obama. "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior. 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Barack Obama Victory Speech Grant Park Chicago, IL USA

John McCain Concession Speech

The GOD Factor In Our Present Economic Upheaval

I believe the current economic shakeup is part of the wider adjustment God has been doing for the past two and a half years in all facets of society (just look at all the scandals in the church, politics, sports, celebrities, etc.)  Although there has been a shake-up across the board, the Bible teaches us that “judgment must begin first with the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). As we look at Scriptural references to visitations from God, we see that His visits not only result in revival and renewal but also judgment and adjustments (read Exodus 13:19; Amos 5:18; Luke 21:20-22)! The church and the world will eventually learn that God not only functions as a masseuse but also as a chiropractor! That is to say, sometimes, in order for long-term health, He has to adjust His body and even crack some bones!

New Nepal Needs New Minds!

Recent events have proven that the much hyped new Nepal is very much like the old, but without a king in Narayanhiti. Instead of the monarch, others of similar dictatorial bent are trying to impose their wills on the innocent Nepalese population. Beware, an individual as well as groups can practise totalitarianism. First, the orgy of destruction. G. K. Chesterton wrote about British youth hooliganism, and his resolve neither to laud it nor be impressed by it. Our newly born republican nation went through several days of needless, crippling strikes . . .  discarding these vestiges of old Nepal, we need selfless, far-sighted students, transporters, political parties, and garbage-people (besides others) to make our country prosper. A new Nepal needs new minds.

Why Pastors Fall? Why Pastors Fail? Any Solutions!

I was shocked years ago when I realized that not all pastors are leaders. Someone with little or no mantle of leadership trying to lead a congregation will eventuate in people going in their own direction looking for the real leader in their midst. I agree with George Barna (as stated in his book A Fish Out of Water) when he says that there are habitual leaders (born leaders) who are so gifted that leadership comes naturally to them; they simply intuit leadership. I also agree with John Maxwell who says that we can grow as leaders by asking people to mentor us and by taking the time to study on leadership. God has called each leader to know and articulate their own mission statement.

This One Thing I Do

Most people know that in order to excel at anything in life you must be devoted; you have to sacrifice time, expend energy, and give yourself over to your goals in order to achieve them. Paul the Apostle told us in Philippians that this attitude was the key to his great success as a disciple of Christ. Philippians 3:13-14 says “ . . . . I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." This one thing I do. Less is more when we are focused on achieving mastery in any area of our lives.

Seven Hazardous Habits of Executive Level Leaders

Though many may be associates of either senior pastors or business owners, it is virtually impossible to understand the pressures, sacrifices, and weight of responsibility that rests upon the shoulders of effective senior leaders. The following points illustrate some of the hazards of executive level leadership. - 1. Executive level leaders often isolate themselves, 2. Executive level leaders often violate principles of Sabbath rest, 3. Executive level leaders often do not celebrate the processes of success, 4. Executive level leaders often judge themselves by the success stories of other leaders, 5. Executive level leaders often sacrifice the health of their soul for the urgent matters of pending tasks, 6. Executive level leaders often do not have a plan for personal growth and development and 7. Executive level leaders often put the work of the organization before the health of their family and key personnel.

Painful, Precious And Priceless Life Changing Truths

During the 47 years that I have been a born-again Christian, I have learnt some important truths that have encouraged me and given direction and purpose to my life. I share them here with you with the hope that they will be an encouragement to you as well. God Loves Us As He Loved Jesus, God Delights In Honest People,  God Delights In A Cheerful Giver, Holiness Comes By Looking Unto Jesus, We Must Be Continually Filled With The Holy Spirit, The Way Of The Cross Is The Way Of Life, Man's Opinions Are Fit Only For The Garbage Bin, Nobody Can Harm Us Except We Ourselves, God Has A Perfect Plan For Each Of Our Lives, Knowing God Intimately Is The Secret Of Being Strong, We Are Called To Be Rejected And Persecuted By Men, We Must Receive All Whom God Has Received, We Must Treat Every Human Being With Dignity, We Must Reveal Our Financial Needs Only To God. Read and be blessed by Zac Poonen's journey in faithfulness to God.