'I Will Survive: Comeback Stories of a Corporate Warrior' is Sunil Robert's first book. It was published by Westland Limited and released globally in July 2009.
I Will Survive - Sunil Robert
ISBN 13:9788189975982
ISBN 10: 8189975986
Publisher: Westland
Category: Biography & Autobiography
Format: Paperback

About the Book 'I Will Survive: Comeback Stories of a Corporate Warrior'

I Will Survive invites you to pay closer attention to your life, to give yourself what you truly need and to know that you, too, can choose in that moment, to live fearlessly by your own rules.

"This book will serve as an inspiration to young people everywhere seeking to achieve something in their lives."
- Ratan N. Tata
"His book is not just about the road 'from penury to prosperity,' but about the greater journey to a life of purpose."
- Joseph P. Kennedy II
Sunil is an outstanding example of how an individual can, through passion and diligence, realize his dream, overcoming the inevitable obstacles."
- Dr. Kiran Karnik
"Grippingly written, here is a book that will inspire our young people to aim higher, while also providing practical tips based on Sunil's own life regarding how actually to do so."
- Prof. Prabhu Guptara
"I am delighted that he overcame so many odds since his childhood to succeed at a global level."
- Rajesh Hukku
"Sunil's life story is heartwarming. His style is conversational and he shares his personal struggles and triumphs with candour. It is hard not to get inspired by such real life values not to get inspired by such real life valour. I gladly commend his effort to reach the youth of India."
- S. Ramadorai
Westland Limited Publisher's Quote:
"Sunil's life resonates a lot with a wide range of people. This is an authentic, homegrown story that is completely anchored in true-life. I am confident that the readers will gain insights from his narrative."
- Gautam Padmanabhan, CEO, Westland Ltd


I am a corporate communications professional. I work for one of India's biggest brands - Tata Consultancy Services - ranked among the top 10 IT companies globally. If you are an executive or someone who aspires to make a living in the corporate world, then we have much in common. If you are someone who is constantly battling to move ahead in your career, then we have much to talk about as well.
I am fortunate to be an Indian living in the US as both these countries share a deep connection and share some very similar values.
In the past five years, I have lived in the Europe and US and am increasingly convinced that India is going to the giant of the future. The key catalyst in reshaping India's future will be the youth of India.
"If you have heard a similar story of someone achieving much in life after initial struggles, please share their story with me. I would like to highlight them here. My aim is to make my site a rallying point for people who can inspire others." There are wealth makers, social change agents, artists and writers, thinkers, sportspersons, business and political leaders who will stand head-to head with their peers from around the world, unapologetic and fiercely compelling. And I am not simply being parochial or jingoistic by saying this. The current geo-political dynamics and socio-economic factors have changed the way Indians are perceived around the world. This is just the beginning.
If you are thinking of buying my book, go ahead and give yourself a chance to read about my journey and the lessons learnt on the way. You are welcome to share your thoughts about me and my experiences.
I also want you to share this story with others who go through similar struggles. Kindle hope in them and energise them to keep faith and persevere and never surrender. After all, nothing significant is achieved without a strong effort.
I want to use my site as a forum to learn from you as well. If you have learnt certain lessons from a difficult experience, please write to me. I look forward to hearing from you, soon.
Warmest regards,

Excerpts from 'I Will Survive: Comeback Stories of a Corporate Warrior'

All too soon it was the first day of the exams … and the fees had still not been paid. While I was getting ready to go to school I wondered what I would do if the authorities barred me from entering the classroom. My future looked bleak and uncertain, but I tagged along with my parents while they made a last-ditch attempt to rustle up the money. We knocked on the doors of some relatives and friends, but in vain. They either couldn't or wouldn't give us the money; and my desperate pleas for help went unanswered. I started crying, and curious onlookers looked askance at me. They were probably wondering why a big boy was walking along with his parents, sobbing uncontrollably, when there were no other schoolchildren anywhere in sight.
It was unthinkable that I would not be able to write the exams. It meant that I'd have to repeat the seventh grade with my juniors, or drop out of school altogether. I had always been among the top five students in class, and was all set to write the exams. Why was I being punished for something that was no fault of mine? Eventually, my parents decided to take a chance, plead our case in school, and beg the Sisters for a reprieve.
Unknown to me, a different drama was unfolding in school. That year, ours was the first school on the list of roll numbers. So there was a distinct likelihood of officials from the Education Department coming to inspect the arrangements that had been made there. Also, there was the possibility of the Education Inspectors quizzing the school authorities about the conspicuous absence of a student in the very first row of the very first class in the very first school that they visited. (My roll no, 5E, was somewhere at the top of the list, which meant that my seat would have been in the first row.)

Why did I write the book?

I want my book to be a guide to you. I want you to feel optimistic after reading the book. Just like life, there are some dark moments in the book. There are some hard settings in the book, particularly in my relationship with my father.
Read on though, and you will find that I get humbled and learn many lessons.
The book recounts some ugly and some downright embarrassing moments of my life. I wish there was some way I could have changed these parts of the book. But I can't. These are true stories. The good, bad, ugly, and the embarrassing, together form a part of our lives.
Just as I come through strongly in some areas, there are areas where I have failed. It is this aspect that I would like you to bear in mind. I am just like you. Still struggling, but always persevering.
My book is also a tribute to my father and an act of gratitude for my family. They are as much strong survivors as I struggled to cope with life's vicissitudes. There are many who supported me and this is my way of saying Thank You. Because of your help, I survived.
I shall endeavor to return the favour. Publishing this book is my expression of gratitude and a promise to guide young people to always retain faith in their abilities and themselves.

Someone once told me that writing a book is the closest experience that compares to giving birth to a child. I couldn't agree more. During the writing process, I had to dig deep into the recesses of my memories. Often, a lot of painful memories would flood my mind and then I would find sleep difficult with my mind recalling all the vivid details.
Once an idea for the book took root in my mind, it would take me several days to turn my attention towards a new topic. Sometimes, I would be so engrossed in my thoughts that I would miss exits on the freeway while driving or forget my wife's grocery instructions and give wrong answers to my son while helping him with his homework.
The great thing about the book is that the project kept me energised. I am used to adrenaline bursts in my day job and writing the book filled my spare time with adrenaline too!
I Will Survive - Sunil Robert

ISBN 13:9788189975982
ISBN 10: 8189975986
Publisher: Westland
Category: Biography & Autobiography
Format: Paperback
For more information on 'I Will Survive: Comeback Stories of a Corporate Warrior,' please click here to Sunil Robert website.
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