I Walked Into The Church And The Presence Of God Touched Me | Rahil Patel | Ex-Hindu Priest And Scholar | My Personal Story

India is basically a spiritual country, we yearn for something beyond ourselves. "God lead us from darkness into light, from death to life, from falsehood to truth," is a common prayer. This is our prayer, and God hears it. Sometimes I look around and wonder how it can happen . . . . The Indian missions movement is not yet as professional as I'd like to see it. I believe we'll see more go-getters in the next generation. I look forward to seeing this scenario: An IT guy climbs the ladder. He's a vice president by the time he's 30. He's traveled, enjoyed the world, then begins to think, "What should I do? Is there anything more to life?" Guys like this come to my class as brilliant chaps, running big companies. It would be good if we could see them bring that expertise into missions.
Multinational businessman and politician Ram Gidoomal talks about 'translating' the gospel in today's world . . . More than 50 members of my family have come to Christ. We are all Sindhis. There are very few Sindhi believers in the world, and the majority that have come to Christ, maybe 10,000 out of 20 million, came to Christ abroad, in the diaspora. This diaspora has largely followed economic opportunities. If you look at the early church and its growth, it also followed trade routes. The gospel was spread from port to port. Well, who paid for those boat trips? Business people. Business gives you access, geographic access as well as access to relational networks. As an Asian businessman, I have access to people and networks around the globe.
It is an old adage that says “hurt people hurt people.” It is well known that those who have been emotionally damaged tend to inflict their hurt and pain on other people. For example, a large percentage of those who have been sexually abused become the abusers of others; those who suffered under an alcoholic parent often themselves cause their future family to suffer because of their drunken stupors. Until we as a church deal with the whole person as shown in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 our congregations will be filled with people who are spiritually gifted but act like emotional infants. As in other words, the church must deal with emotional health and not just spiritual health and power.
Abdul Haleem was trained to be a Hafiz and then to be an Alim. He was then trained to be an Imam and served as an Imam in different places for six years. Then God moved in a mysterious way through the most unexpected and unlikely events. "No one approached me with gospel of Jesus. I never heard any evangelical messages too. I came to be a Christian by reading the Quran . . . . In Surah 3:55 it states “Behold! Allah said, O Jesus, I am terminating your life, raising you to Me, and ridding you of the disbelievers. I will exalt those who follow you above those who disbelieve, till the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is the ultimate destiny of all of you, then I will judge among you regarding your disputes.” This Ayat clearly says that those who believe in Jesus will be exalted above others. This interview with Jerry Thomas of Sakshi Times captures the mind of a former Imam who now serves the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thomson Valliyakalayil attended a seminar organized by the Kerala Pentecostal Writers Forum called "Malayalees and the Media" Sunday evening 9/24/06. There were four writers on the panel, who have been repping Mallu pride with extreme class, and it was a pleasure to hear from all of them. The four panelist were George Rajan Thomas - Reporter for CBN News , Sree Sreenivasan - Professor of Journalism at Columbia University, George Abraham - Founder of Kerala Digest, a Malayalam newspaper in North America and Sarita James - freelance writer exploring the art of the personal essay. Read more about the interview . . .