I heard Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus In the movies, its about having beautiful Christmas tree big presents, toys grand food, and most importantly be at Church to celebrate his birth. Do you know some could not do that?
The parents who lost their jobs, someone lost their loved ones Some family in desperate financial needs and for some quarantine is necessary. Faced with loneliness and depression but yet some totally unaffected with the current situation so either way we face it differently
We are in the same storm but not of the same boat. So let us remind ourselves during this festive season that the true meaning of Christmas is to love, to give, and to share, open our eyes and look around; there will be someone we can show Love
Someone to give and something to share. So friends, may you be touched with these words someone out there needs you to realize this and be kind. This Christmas has taught us many things . . . taught us to be patient in the midst of all these uncertain times. This Christmas we learnt how rich we are but the cost is heavy . . . He became poor for us
This Christmas we learnt how blessed we are surrounded by beautiful family and friends who cares. This Christmas we learnt that we are at our lowest and He is at the highest. Jesus came on this earth for you and me. He came to earth as a human being and went through all. He could have saved Himself but He took all our shame and gave us salvation. We are so blessed and honored that we serve The Wonderful Saviour.
ALL Merry Christmas!
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