Family Ministry – Need of the Hour

A Wake Up Call To Mothers Across The World!

Don't Worry . . . Be Happy

Importance of Family – I Really Miss My Father
Chinappa Moses David! He wasn’t popular. He wasn’t polished in education. He wasn’t prosperous. His work wasn’t professional. He wasn’t even a preacher. He didn’t possess any fascinating expertise according to the standards of the world. On the contrary, he was born to a poor family on October 24, 1940. He lost his father when he was a child. Life wasn’t easy for him. He was brought up under rugged circumstances. He was unloved, abused and neglected. He worked as an ordinary bus driver till the last day of his existence on earth. So what makes me to write about this person? Why should you read about this man?
Teen Porn Addiction – Only A Mouse Click Away!
With the advent of the Internet, pornography is only a click-away and more kids are falling prey to sexual addiction than ever before. According to some studies, nine in ten teens have been exposed to pornography. These days, one doesn't need to go looking for it, it comes flooding into our inboxes without any solicitations. The ubiquitous spam mails with adult content are freely floating around everywhere. Unsupervised access to broadband Internet has only aggravated the problem for teens. The growing interest of teens in social networking sites also poses grave danger and not to mention obscene and sexually explicit images and videos they "accidently" run into can get them hooked forever.
Family Relationships – Enjoying Not Enduring
God designed family relationships as a place of security, safety, learning and joy. People need people; we are created to enjoy relationships, to love and be loved. . . . . But it doesn’t take much observation to see families have been under immense attack. There has been a breakdown in the family unit. Couples have suffered in their relationship with each other, which in turn has had a huge impact on their relationships with their children. What should have been a safe, secure place to learn and grow in many places has become a battleground of hurt, pain and mistrust. So people grow up with hurt, bitterness and a wrong understanding about life and relationships.
Rekindling Romance In Your Marriage
The season of life just before and after the wedding is filled with passion and the flame of romance burns brightly. Thereafter, romance is often pushed to the back burner or completely evades the couple. Prolonged neglect of our mate stifles the life out of the marriage. We are created as relational beings and the longing to connect with others is one of the deepest longings of the human soul. We are internally wired for intimate and fulfilling relationship. Often when romance disappears from the marital relationship, we seek out other relationships for intimacy.
Intimacy in Marriage
People often wed while they are in the honeymoon stage of their relationship, thus they have never worked through the grid of their relationship when all those euphoric feelings are missing. Also, most men are clueless in regards to the state of their relationship with their spouse. A few years after I was married, someone once asked me how my marriage was and I said great, not knowing that my marriage was in trouble because my wife was feeling alienated from me emotionally. If leaders would just learn to properly prioritize their marriage and family, focusing properly on what matters most, then all the other things they desire for significance will manifest in their proper time!
Model Women versus Women Model

God Needs Men Today


Keys to Intimacy in Marriage

Jesus Christ – Reason for the Season
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit . . . . an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save his people from their sins." All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us." . . . . With this timeless truth and hope, we wish all South Asian Connection readers, viewers, friends and family a Blessed Christmas.
Marriage Killers
Marriage is a divine institution and we must seek God's help and guidance to make it work. The Bible speaks a lot about marriage - the way it is intended to be in the first place. However, with the pressures of modern lifestyle and demanding careers, marriage is often kept in the back burners for the urban families. Marriages do not crumble overnight but slowly over a period of time due to steady neglect. Sam George identifies 10 Marriage Killers and cautions us to guard our marriages lest we too fall through the cracks and become a statistic for seperation or divorce.