I carry a great debt and loving gratitude in my heart for my mother, Mrs. Kunjumol Achankunju, whose grace, patience, devotion and tirelessness infused a dynamic change in my life. I’ll never forget the excitement with which I used to step into a Sunday service. The church was always full of fervor, as service after service witnessed great manifestations of God’s power and deliverance. It was exciting to see demons flee while all the kids screamed at the devil in the name of Jesus!
Going to church meant fun for me as a child - hopping all the way, holding my mother’s hand as she kept telling me how I needed to be hungry if God had to use me. Out of deep curiosity, I observed mighty men of God at church and marveled at the way they were being used for God’s glory, which would make tears run down my cheeks in hunger.
The voice of my loving mother would echo in my ears, telling me that I was not a normal child and that God wanted to use me. And I step back today to realize that it was my mother who shaped my world, from rocking my cradle, nurturing me and instructing me to make life changing and challenging accomplishments.
The saying goes: “Behind every successful man there is a woman.” Well I believe that even behind a successful bachelor, there is a woman: A mother. Even if you look into the lives of those that have lost their mothers at an early age, there would surely be another woman – may be an aunt, a teacher, an elder sister, or a church elder who loved them just like their own. Mothers can play a vital role in shaping their children into history makers.
The all important role of mothers has not changed at all over the years, but sadly, our changing culture has led to a drastic change in the way we perceive the role of a mother today. In our rapidly evolving society, it is very difficult today to find a mother who is busy changing bed sheets, washing dishes or cooking their children’s favorite meals. You will find many trying their best to balance their professional lives with their duties at home.
In the Indian context and equally so in many other countries, the big screen has been introducing the exciting concept of the new age independent woman, who can juggle both her personal and professional life with superb ease. Sadly, most working mothers struggle with the guilt of not attending to their children like they desire to. Although the number of single mothers in India is still small in comparison to the west, there are a growing number of such women who have to raise children single handedly - either because a lost spouse or a divorce. And when they become sole breadwinners and work hard for paying their bills, they tend to overlook their children.
Today, I speak with a child’s heart to all mothers out there. Dear mothers, it will be late if you wait till your child turns into a teenager, and then try to instill the right mindset into them because by then their minds are already molded with the ways of this world. It’s not too late to go on your knees for them. It’s not too late to instruct them. It was my mother’s prayer and continuous instruction on a daily basis that drew me close to God. It is the love, tenderness and compassion that makes a mothers heart so different from any other.
WE NEED MOTHERS - who punish, yet wrap their arms around, sometimes tough, yet compassionate. I am encouraged to encourage mothers because of my own mother who steered me into the ways of the Lord. Who I am today is largely because of my mother. Mothers, you have birthed your children. Now help them birth God’s purpose and will in their lives by spending more time both with them, and without them, on your knees.
Blessings and Prayers,
Evangelist Shyju Mathew
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