Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Apologetics

A Historical View Of The Christian Minority In India | Rethinking Christian Witness In A BJP-Run Nation | Lausanne Movement | Cynthia Stephen

The World Christian Database shows that in 2020, India had 73 percent Hindus, 14 percent Muslims, and 5 percent Christians—an increase from 2 percent in 2011. [7] All over India there is a significant number of marginalized sections including around 8% indigenous people, known officially as Scheduled Tribes (ST), and about 18% Scheduled Castes (SCs), though unevenly distributed, now also called Dalits. [8] The pro-Hindutva government is insecure that many SCs have converted to Christianity, and eight states have anti-conversion laws, many under challenge in the supreme court.

Seven Reasons Why Jesus Would Be Rejected Again Today

There Has Been Much Speculation On What Jesus Would Do If He Were Ministering In The Flesh Today. I Think The Greater Question Is: Would The Church Receive Him If He Were Ministering And Preaching Today? In Conclusion, We All Need To Ask Ourselves The Question: If Jesus Were To Be Born In Our Day Instead Of Two Thousand Years Ago, Given Our Present Priorities And Lifestyle, Would We Have Been One Of His Followers Or One Who Would Have Rejected Him?

10 Signs You are a Secular Believer

By The Word “Secular”, I Am Referring To A Person Who Embraces An Attitude Or A Lifestyle That Has No Spiritual Or Biblical Basis. This Is Slightly Different From What We May Identify As A Carnal Christian (Which In Many Ways Has To Do With The Overt Sins Of The Flesh And Emotions (Corinthians 3:1-4)). Secular Christianity Is More Subtle Because Its Foundation Is Based On Secular Values. Such Values Are Sugar-Coated With Spirituality And Outward Peace.

Intelligent Design and the Finger-Print of God

It is my conviction that the awe-inspiring wonders of life at the molecular, cellular and organismic level bears God’s fingerprint. Design requires a Designer and to me, the most powerful argument for creation and against evolution is to be found in specific evidences of intelligent, purposeful, information-rich design epitomized in the DNA.

'Generation Ex-Christian': Why Young People Are Leaving The Church

Research and surveys show that many atheists, agnostics, and spiritual-seekers who lack religious affiliation are former Christians. But there was no research-based book that explained in depth why people were leaving, until Generation Ex-Christian. The recently released book by Drew Dyck, editorial manager of the ministry team at Christianity Today International, breaks down “leavers” into six categories: Post Modern Leavers, Recoilers, Modern Leavers, Neo-Pagans, Rebels, and Drifters.

Lessons Learned from the (Almost) Florida Quran Burning

Pastor Terry Jones went from obscure pastor to a worldwide phenomenon last week because of his foolish plan to burn copies of the Quran.  During this fiasco he kept hiding behind God, saying God was speaking to him and giving him guidance throughout the entire drama. Pastor Jones came off ignorant when admitting he has never read the Quran and revealed gross naiveté by announcing that Imam Rauf agreed to move the proposed Ground Zero mosque in return for Dove International agreeing not to burn Qurans.  This is in spite of never even speaking once to Imam Rauf!

Eight Signs You Are a Deceived Backslider

There are millions of deceived people in this nation who believe they are still following Christ when in fact they are not. What makes it deceiving is that some are still regularly attending Sunday church services and/or reading the Bible and praying on occasion. Before we continue let me first define what I mean in this article by the word “backslider.” By backslider I mean a person who is losing ground spiritually and is not as committed to growing, seeking, and loving Christ as they did at one time in their life. Backsliding is a spiritual disease that many leaders are afraid to confront and many in the church are afraid to admit. Some of these signs may fit a backslider, but in many cases just one of these signs is enough to fit the category of backslider.

The Whole Gospel – A Total Gospel And Not A Personal Or Social Gospel

A gospel of total salvation means we have a total relationship with Jesus. You know, evangelicals like to ask, “Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?” You know how I answer that question today? “I don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. I have a totalrelationship with Jesus.” Personal relationship means it’s an individualistic, one-on-one relationship, and it’s a private matter. It’s personal. It’s private. My relationship with Jesus is anything but private. My relationship with Jesus is not restricted to only my religious life, so to speak. All areas of my life, the totality of my life, my whole life – body, soul, mind, feelings – all my life is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We serve God not only in church, not only when we pray or lead a Bible study or evangelize. We serve God with all our lives, whether at work or play or school.

Don't All Religions Lead To God?

We live in a world of different religious beliefs. And in our global village we all live side by side – if not physically, then certainly through the media, the internet, air travel, and international terrorism. How do these different beliefs relate to each other? Are they 'leaves on the tree', or 'different paths to the mountaintop', ultimately leading in the same direction?

Foxes, Faith and the Faithful

In the great literature of all progressive societies, love is a verb. Reactive people make it a feeling. They're driven by feelings. Market driven spirituality has generally scripted us to believe that we are not responsible, that we are a product of our feelings and enviroment. But such "religious" sounding scripts do not describe reality or knowledge of things as they are. If our feelings or temptation to appease political regimes control our actions, it is because we have abdicated our responsibility and empowered them to do so. Kingdom believers make love a verb. Love is something you do: the sacrifices you make, the giving of self, like a mother bring the newborn into the world. May the church never forget who gave birth to it and at what cost it had been purchased from the world. Now is the time to carry the cross and count the cost.

A Biblical Understanding of Pain, Tragedy, and Suffering

With the recent devastation in Haiti many people have been asking why such a horrible tragedy could take place. (As of the writing of this article, the death toll caused by the horrific earthquake is heading toward 200,000.) The earthquake’s death and destruction has been indiscriminate, crushing everything from the presidential palace to churches, killing both believers and non-believers. Because of this, many have relegated simplistic answers to the trash heap. Some Christians are even questioning their faith. The following is an attempt to give a biblical explanation that equips us with a broader scope for explaining why such events happen to those in our spheres of influence.

When Grace Goes Sour

FOR me, the most stunning aspect of faith is grace. Grace is that unmerited, incautious favor of God that most of us never tire hearing about. There is just something about it—whenever it comes, it changes what is into something grander. That is what I love about the gospel. It is a message of grace, and because of that, wherever it goes, it brings change. But some groups who call themselves “grace” people make me nervous. I get the feeling that they spell grace g-r-e-a-s-e. They don’t talk about grace as something that changes them as much as something that lets them slide by with whatever they feel like doing—even sinful things. But grace yields freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.

Jesus Religion Versus Jesus Relationship

You know who’s at the center of religion? You are. You’re the focus. You’re the star. You’re in center stage and the spotlight is always on you. Religion deceives you into thinking you’re all about God, when in reality, you’re all about you. When you’re in religion, your relationship with God is based entirely on you; on how many prayers you pray, how you do at reading the Scriptures, how you do in keeping the commands, how you do at going to church, and on and on the list goes. Religion is based on man’s continued work.

"Is That From God?"

These days are characterised by gimmicks, techniques, showmanship and sensationalism even in Christian circles. Many ‘new’ things are happening and are being taught by preachers and writers, and we are getting confused not always knowing whether or not something is from God. We know that in the last days there will be many false prophets and teachers bringing out such deceptive signs and wonders that even the elect could be deceived (Mt.24:24). We need to know how we can preserve ourselves in sanity and faith when we are being bombarded by Satan and his demons on one side and slick human operators on the other side.


Islam makes up around 20% of the world's population. It is the second largest religion in the world, trailing only Christianity. Muslims are spread primarily over the areas of North Africa, the Middle East, South-Central Asia, and Indonesia. Although Islam began in Saudi Arabia, non-Arab Muslims now outnumber Arab Muslims by a ratio of almost three to one. Also, the four nations with the largest number of Muslims today are all outside the Middle East. Indonesia-166 million (88% of the population); Pakistan-111 million (97%); Bangladesh-97 million (85%); and India-93 million (11%). Do you know that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today? Do you know that a significant number of immigrants who come to the United States are Muslims? And do you know that these immigrants come from many Islamic countries or countries with large communities of Muslims? Do you know that an estimated 4 to 6 million Muslims reside in the United States?


Hinduism is believed to be the oldest living religious traditions in the world. There are approximately one billion Hindus, making Hinduism the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam, of whom approximately 890 million live in India (around 82% of India's population). It is estimated that adherents to Hinduism make up around 15% of the world's population. Other countries with large Hindu populations include: Bangladesh (11%), Bhutan (25%), Fiji (41%), Mauritius (50%), Nepal (89%), Sri Lanka (15%), Surinam (27%), and Trinidad (25%). Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Tobago, and Guyana also have large number of Hindus. Nepal is the only nation where Hinduism is the state religion. There are more than two million Hindus in North America. Christian  must consider Hindus as one of the largest people groups in their mission agenda. In the following paragraphs, we will learn about Hinduism in nutshell for the missional purposes.


Sikhism founded on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev and nine successive gurus in fifteenth century Northern India, is the fifth-largest religion in the world. The history of Sikhism began with the birth in 1469 AD of Guru Nanak Dev. The initiation (baptism) ceremony and other traditions of the religion were formalized by 1699 AD. This system of religious philosophy and expression has been traditionally known as the Gurmat (literally, the counsel of the gurus) or the Sikh Dharma. Sikhism originated from the word Sikh, which in turn comes from the Sanskrit root sisya meaning "disciple" or "learner", or siksa meaning "instruction". Sikhism advocates the pursuit of salvation through disciplined, personal meditation on the name and message of God. A key distinctive feature of Sikhism is a non-anthropomorphic concept of God, to the extent that one can interpret God as the Universe itself.

The Third Jesus We Need To Ignore

A recent book that’s appealing to a lot of post-moderns titled The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore  by  Indian-born doctor-turned-guru Deepak Chopra has got a lot of people seriously interested in thinking about Jesus–albeit in a different way. Definitely not in the way Jesus would want you to think about Him. This is a dangerous philosophy floating around with a lot of mumbo-jumbo sticking to it, much to the delight of unhappy Christians. Chopra, author of over 49 books on new-age subjects, portrays Jesus as a mystical person not the Savior of the world, certainly not an exclusive Savior. Jesus is not the only son of God, He is not the only way to heaven, He is not the exclusive God and the only God that orthodox or Biblical Christianity believes. To Chopra, Jesus would never offend homosexuals, or sinners. He simply accepts them. He is here to make us all experience God-Consciousness–a term confusing and bewildering that many despaired Christians find riveting due to its esoteric appeal. Sadly, many Christians who don’t understand the deceptions of Eastern philosophies like Yoga and New Age would easily shift their worldview to this new-age claptrap.

Laminin – The Cell Adhesion Molecule That Holds Us Together Is In The Shape Of The CROSS!

Laminin is a family of glycoproteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding in almost every animal tissue. Laminin is vital to making sure overall body structures hold together. It has four arms that can bind to four other molecules. The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which is what makes it so great at forming sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor the actual organs to the membrane. "Electron microscopy reveals a cross-like shape for all laminins investigated so far."  AMAZING SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY!

The Pathway To Moksa [Spiritual Freedom]

We live in a world of complex realities today. The progress and the opportunities that come with it are manifold and yet there is despair. The world community is deeply involved in evolving ways and means for long lasting PEACE. It is the word of God that drives us all to share what it means to us as pilgrims on that path of peace and joy. This booklet “Pathway to Moksha” is written by Pandit Dharm Prakash Sharma, the son of the chief priest of Pushkar Teertha, Ajmer, India, and contains in brief; the truth from ancient books (scriptures) and his journey with Prabhu Ishu Krisht (Lord Jesus Christ). This booklet goes out with our prayer that this simple and earnest truth will enrich many lives and bring them to the peace and joy of the living God.

Pandit Dharam Prakash Sharma YouTube Part 1 of 11