Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Take off your beer goggles!

"Beer goggles."  This phrase is commonly used to describe the effect alcohol has on the drinker's perception of what makes the opposite sex attractive.  Drinking alcohol sometimes can make a seemingly unattractive person look like a fashion model in the drinker's eyes.  In effect, "beer goggles" distorts the truth, which a drinker becomes painfully aware of when he or she sobers.

Even without the alcohol, some wear beer goggles all the time.  When we absorb and apply society's trends and ideologies that are sinful and/or can lead to sinful behavior, we too wear beer goggles.  With these goggles on, our vision becomes blurred and we are susceptible to accepting the lies that Satan feeds us.  Blinded, we don't realize that our lives are rapidly deteriorating because of sin.  

Satan doesn't just use obvious tactics of evil to trap us in sin.  Satan is described in 2 Corinthians 11:14 (NIV) as one who transforms into an "angel of light."  The words "angel" and "light" convey alluring images.  Satan deceives us with things that are attractive to our human senses. 

In 2 Corinthians 4:4 (NIV), Paul warns that, "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."  The Message Bible translates that same verse to read, in part: "All they have eyes for is the fashionable god of darkness."

The god of darkness is fashionable?  Take a look around you.  Music, television, movies, radio, and the arts have become steeped in darkness.  We have mistaken this darkness for something fashionable.  Some reality television shows exploit pre-marital sex, "hook-ups," and same-sex relationships as something chic.  Some music videos, television shows, and movies use sexuality, drugs, and violence loosely. 

We buy into the new "in" sin, because the message appears sexy.  With beer goggles on, the truth seems old-fashioned and unrealistic.  The firm line between right and wrong seems blurred.  Even all religions appear to be the same.  We push off the seeming heaviness of accountability required by the Christian Bible. 

Observe your own life.  As seemingly harmless the beer goggles appear, you may become bound by money, sex, violence, etc., which can lead to your destruction.  It is written that, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).  You may experience this death in the form of deteriorating relationships with family and friends. 

The outcome seems tragic, but we have the power to take the beer goggles off.   To remove them, choose truth.  Learn about truth by studying the Bible, and spending time with God in prayer and worship.  Don't base your value system or beliefs upon the world's new and ever-changing theories of who Christ is and what is sin.  Take your beer goggles off, and blink.  Truth in its clear and sharp colors will unfold before you, and it will set you free (John 8:32).

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