Hello! I am Pastor Manjit here from Malaysia. I was born and raised in Malaysia.
I would like to share a short testimony about myself and about how I came to know about the Lord Jesus.
I was brought up in a Sikh family. We were 3 boys and 3 girls. We were in total 6 children. My father is from Punjab. He was a lorry driver, he drives trucks in Malaysia. My mother is a Malaysian.
Among all my siblings, I was the only who learned both English and Punjabi. All my siblings knew only English. I studied in Singapore for about 3 years.
It was there, I met uncle Bachan. He was a Christian and he used to pray for me. I used to tell him that I was born a Punjabi and would live and die as a Punjabi and never as a Christian.
I always teased him saying that his Jesus is hanging on the cross. I was just teasing him. I was young. I was just 21, starting life with my education and career.
When I was 35, I was already married with 3 children. At that time, I was having a breathing difficulty. I was living in Batu Gajah with my mother-in-law and father-in-law.
We were a joint family. When you fall sick, you go to the hospital which is what I did. I went to Pantai Hospital. Everyone knows that it’s the most expensive hospital around and it was a specialist centre.
I went to almost all the hospitals in Ipoh. Even to the Chinese maternity centre. I just didn’t recover. The doctors had given me 16 different medications to take.
I even went to different mediums, bomohs, Chinese temples and Hindu temples. The people there asked me to do various rituals, to make vow and such. I did everything. But nothing really worked.
It was then, that one of my friends elbowed me one day and suggested that I go to the church. She still lives in Ipoh. She just elbowed me and asked me to go to the church.
I was married. So, I had to ask permission from my family to attend the church. I asked my husband and he was alright. My mother-in-law was calm and cool and said that I was going to God and not to a bar.
I told myself the same. I wasn’t going to a bar but to a church.
So, I started going to church. When I entered the church for the first time and saw the cross, with Jesus hanging on it. Something came across my mind.
But nevertheless, I went to church. Nothing really happened the first week. I was so unwelcome in the Catholic Church there. It was very cold.
I still continued to go for 2 more weeks and then wanted to skip church. My friend at that time asked me if I don’t want to go to church again. I told her that nothing was happening. She just asked me to finish the night novena prayer.
So, I went to the church for the 4th week. I felt someone touch my throat. I was just wondering to myself who was that who touched me.
But the people at the church didn’t say anything. They don’t say a hello or hi or Sat Sri Akal or Praise the Lord. They were so cold.
Nobody talked to me. But I knew someone touched me. When I went home, I didn’t have any of the discomfort I used to have before. I didn’t even have the feel that I was sick.

I am 55 years old now. I don’t have any hypertension or diabetes or any sickness. The suffering I had 20 years back were all taken away from me. I stopped every medication I was taking when I got well and started reading the Bible.
The verse of John 15:16 of the Bible touched me. It says, “You Didn’t Choose Me But I Chose You”.
I was wondering who was talking to me. Who had chosen me? I then realized it was God speaking to me. When I read the Bible, I understood God talks to us through the Bible.
This here is my diary from all these years. Every year I start by writing in a diary, talking to God. I also asked him a lot of questions and wow. My God is my saviour.
Nobody gives us any money at church. That’s a lie. God is my Saviour.
I have been travelling to Punjab and to many countries on my own expenses. Praying for people, there are so many people suffering with various sicknesses, with depression.
I tell them that I don’t have any money to offer them but I have a big God who can heal them. I tell the people boldly on the street, that if they are paralysed or deaf or dumb or whatever their illness is, they can be healed in the name of Jesus.
By reading the Bible, you receive hope and faith. This is not conversion or transition.
My name is Manjit Kaur. I was born as Manjit Kaur and I will die as Manjit Kaur. But my trust and belief is in Jesus Christ. You can bury me anywhere and it doesn’t matter
But I believe my LORD is a great God.
This is my short testimony. Amen

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