I Am Shinder Kaur of Ludhiana, Punjab India. I developed a cough and felt pain in my throat. I couldn’t afford a medical examination so my friend took me to the Civil Government Hospital. The next day, I went to the Civil Hospital for a free examination.
The doctor said that your throat is very bad, it looks serious and it could be cancer. He said, “I’m Going To Refer You To A Consultant Where You Can Undergo Treatment.”
Shinder Kaur was distraught by this news and could only see death approaching and expensive hospital fees.
Shinder Kaur told her cousin who consoled her and encouraged her to see the consultant. The doctor said, “You’ll Feel Just A Little Pain From The Needle . . . Bend Your Arm . . . Hold It Tight For A While.”
The doctor did some tests on my throat as well. After a few days they called me back and told me I had mouth cancer.
The doctor numbed my tongue and took a sample from my tongue. All the tests were sent to a hospital in Mumbai. When the report came back, my family kept the report from me but insisted that I go to the PGI Hospital in Chandigarh.
I cried and said, “I Don’t Care If I Live Or Die, I Am Not Going To Any More Hospitals.”
My sister’s nephew is a Christian. He came and prayed for me. He prayed over some oil in the name of Jesus, then dipped the oil in water and asked me to drink it.
I put my complete trust in Jesus Christ. My nephew said you need to pray, read God’s Word and go to Church and God will definitely heal you.
After his prayer, Shinder Kaur began to feel better. Shinder Kaur went to the Church and was completely confident that Jesus would heal her. The Pastor prayed in the name of Jesus for the cancer to be healed.
The consultant read the medical reports from Mumbai and said, “Sister, This Is A Miracle And There Is No Sign Of Cancer.”
After checking all the reports, the doctor said the cancer was no longer there. Shinder Kaur relieved. Her life has changed and she is now able to do all her house work. Now she is enjoying her life with her family and friends and tells everyone about the goodness of Jesus Christ.
Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will take away all your problems in the will of God just as He took away my sickness.
Trust In The LORD With All Your Heart And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding; In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him, And He Will Make Your Paths Straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Be Strong And Courageous. Do Not Be Afraid Or Terrified Because Of Them, For The LORD Your God Goes With You; He Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You. Deuteronomy 31:6
Heal Me LORD And I Shall Be Healed. Save Me And I Shall Be Saved, For You Are The One I Praise. Jeremiah 17:14

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