My name is Sandeep Singh, but most people call me Sweety.
I came to know Christ through my husband Raj, with whom I had had a love marriage. When we were dating, he told he was a Christian, which I found very, very strange because I was a Sikh at that time. When he told me that he had given his life to the Lord Jesus and that he believed in a living God, none of that made any sense to me.
I believed that if you are born in a certain faith you should stick to that faith, you should not change it. To me that was like a sin.
Because I was so much in love, I overlooked it, but still it troubled my heart that he had changed his faith because I felt strongly that people should not change their faith. One day we actually ended up in a debate.
My view was if you are born in a religion, you should stay in that religion, you should not change. His reply to that was, “It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship with God, and it’s a living God that I believe in.” None of that made any sense to me at all, and I was more confused.
What actually attracted me to Raj was not only his looks, but his love and kindness towards people. Even in times of anger and frustration, he would show love instead of hate and he would never take revenge. That was something in him that I desired for myself, because I didn’t have it in my life. He used to invite me to church from time to time, but I always said, “Look, I’m in love with you, you stay stuck to your Christianity, I will stick to my faith, don’t try to change me.”
We continued to have a lot of debates about this, until one day he said, “Go home and just pray this simple prayer, Father God, if you really are out there and if there is a Jesus, come into my life.”

So, I went home that day and I prayed just a simple prayer, I didn’t even know whom I was praying to, but I prayed in faith that God would show me what He had shown Raj, that He would show me this Jesus.
Then a week later, I had this urge to attend a service in church. Even though he had invited me so many times before, I had always ignored him, but for some reason, one week after that prayer, I decided to attend the service. Pastor Emrick was preaching on the love of God, and towards the end he made an altar call and invited people to come forward if they needed any prayer.
I just stood still and watched people getting prayed over and I noticed that there were quite few people who were unconscious on the floor straight after prayer. Immediately I had this doubt in my head that this was not real and this was some kind of black magic. How come someone prays over you and you fall over on the floor? It didn’t make any sense to me but again even the people around me did not make any sense. I was expecting a big cathedral, full of people no offense, but this place was small, that’s how I was thinking.
To me church was for white people and everything was different when I went there. I had hugs and kisses, people welcomed me and towards the end I actually went over to get prayed for. I was actually testing God. OK, I’m going forward and to get prayed over and will remain standing. I’m not going to fall over.
This is some kind of magic I thought, so I went over to the front and the Pastor prayed for me. The moment he said “God touch this child,” I experienced God’s touch. There was no doubt, I felt God’s touch. God touched me and I instantly I fell on the floor, unconscious.
The moment I regained my consciousness, I knew that this was the God who touched me and my thinking completely changed. And since then, I gave my life to the Lord, I actually have a living relationship with him now.
If you are the same as I was, always doubting, come forward for prayer, pray that prayer that I prayed. Because that’s one prayer that will get answered. If you seek God, you shall find God. Amen

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