Coming Together from Hong Kong, New Delhi and Orissa from India to Pray, to encourage and bring hope among the people we know and care about the Covid-19 Pandemic sweeping across the world and especially India.
Many of our friends have already lost their lives, loved ones and many are still battling with the Covid-19 tsunami wave. We will not give up, we will trust in the LORD, we will practice scientific temperament, we will do what we can do.
From Hong Kong: VJ (Facilitator), Tiffany (Prayer Warrior) and Winson (Technical Support)
From New Delhi, India: Vijay Sharma a.k.a. Pinchu (Hospital Staff), Ajay (Worship Leader & Music Teacher).
From Orissa, India: Pastor Nihar Ranjan Nanda (from GFM), and Daisy Youth Leader ( from GFM)
Let’s not give up, Let’s Unite, Let’s Pray

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