Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

His Eyes In On The Sparrow

I listened to this song about a month ago. It seems I now wake up with this song on my lips.

why should I feel discouraged
and why should the shadows come
why should my heart feel lonely
and long for heaven and home

when Jesus is my portion
a constant friend is He
His eye is on the sparrow
and I know He watches over me
His eye is on the sparrow
and I know He watches over me

I sing because I'm happy
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
and I know He watches me

It's such a simple song but it never fails to reassure me. I absolutely love how for ever event in my life, God brings a song that encourages me.

It's been weird not going to school for such a long period of time. But at the same time I feel like I'm waiting for that right moment to walk down that right road.

I'm in love with Jesus. He makes all things beautiful in His time. I know where I want to go in my life but it never seemed possible. But God is just opening doors left and right.

I just came back from a youth Conference called History Maker. One of the bands that really inspired me was the 'kiwi' Parachute band- the next generation. The name of the lead worshiper was Omega and his story struck a note. He was born with no nose. Even after the doctors constructed a nose for him, it didn't look like everyone else's'. When he was 15, on the day Christ came to die for us, Omega want to take his life. Ready to commit suicide on Christmas day, he stops when he heard God say " I love you". Three simple words changed his life around. It was such an inspiration to see someone so not physically perfect being used so mightily in God's beautiful hands. And his voice was just ammazzzzzzzing! It was pure silk and honey. I've never heard someone sing so beautifully.

broken for Him,

Simi Johnson

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