Cinema can function as a ‘mirror’ or a ‘smokescreen’. It can engage us with life’s important questions and/or disengage us from them.
Rock On (2008) engages us in conversations about identity, meaning, morality, and destiny. I found the song 'socha hai’ thought provoking. In fact, the song raises worldview questions (interesting).
What is a worldview? A worldview is the set of glasses we wear through which we interpret the whole of life. The basic worldview questions are
How did we come into existence? (Origins)
Who are we? (Identity) Why are we here? (Meaning)
How do we know what is right? (Morality)
Where are we going from here? (Destiny)
Socha Hai (in Rock on) raises worldview questions.
Why is the sky blue?/ Why is water wet? /Why is the earth round? / What makes silk soft?/ What makes fire hot? /Why doesn’t two and two make five? /Why are trees vanishing? / Why do we have three seasons? /Why don’t we have two moons? / Why is there war? / Why flows the red? / And borders everywhere? /Ever wondered…Have you? / Ever wondered what’s this all about? / Ever wondered…? / If you haven’t, then do it now /Why do all rivers flow? / What’s light, d’you know? What makes snow fall? / Why do friends keep falling out? / Why do stars fall? / Why is there lightning in clouds? /Ever wondered…have you? / Ever wondered…what’s this all about? / Ever wondered…? /If you haven’t, then do it now /Silence can’t be heard /And the wind can’t be seen / Ever wondered… have you ever? /Why skies are blue? /Why is water wet? / Why is the earth round? /What makes silk soft? / What makes fire hot?/ Why don’t two and two make five? /Why are trees vanishing? / Why are there only three seasons? /Why aren’t there two moons? / Why is there war? /Why flows the red? /Why are borders everywhere? /Ever wondered… / Have you? / Ever wondered… /What’s this all about? /Ever wondered…? /If you haven’t, then do it now
Worldview questions are important. Ever wondered….!
Why… is there something rather than nothing? [ Are we merely products of Time + Matter + Chance]
Why…are we living? [ Life! what's the point?]
Why…must we do the right thing? [ Are we merely dancing to our DNA?]
Who are we? [ Are we molecules in motion?]
Where…. do we go from here? [ Are we heading nowhere?]
The answers we bring to these (simple and yet profound) questions help interpret life. Ever wondered…Have you? Ever wondered what’s this all about? Ever wondered…? If you haven’t, then do it now…
Life is God’s greatest gift! Let’s Rock on!
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