Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

2009 Christianity Today Book Awards Announced

FOR two decades, the annual Christianity Today Book Awards have recognized outstanding volumes that shed light on people, events, and ideas that shape evangelical life, thought, and mission.

According to a release from Christianity Today, this year, the judging process began with 436 titles submitted by 67 publishers. CT editors selected finalists in each category, and then our expert judges sorted out the cream of the crop from 2008.

The 10 winners that best shed light on the people, events, and ideas that shape evangelical life, thought, and mission are as follows:

Apologetics/Evangelism: ‘The reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism’; Timothy Keller (Penguin/Dutton)

Biblical Studies: ‘Stories with intent: A Comprehensive Guide to the Parables of Jesus’; Klyne R. Snodgrass (Eerdmans)

Christianity and Culture: ‘Culture making: Recovering Our Creative Calling’; Andy Crouch (InterVarsity)

Christian Living: ‘Reconciling all things: A Christian vision for justice, peace and healing’; Emmanuel Katongole and Chris Rice (InterVarsity)

The Church/Pastoral Leadership: ‘Why we’re not emergent: By two guys who should be’; Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck (Moody)

Fiction: ‘Home: A novel’ Marilynne Robinson (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux)

History/Biography: ‘Bill Bright and Campus Crusade for Christ: The renewal of evangelicalism in postwar America’; John G. Turner (University of North Carolina)

Missions/Global Affairs: ‘Transforming Worldviews: An anthropological understanding of how people change’; Paul G. Hiebert (Baker Academic)

Spirituality: ‘Acedia and Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer's Life’; Kathleen Norris (Penguin/Riverhead)

Theology/Ethics: People and place: A covenant ecclesiology’; Michael S. Horton (Westminster John Knox)

The entire list of awards--including judges’ comments, 11 Awards of Merit, and other resources - can be found online at Christianity Today website. Christian Newswire

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