Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

India's Place in The Community Of Nations

As our people seem incapable or unwilling to do anything systematically to raise the level of our country, it is sad to us continuing among the unsuccessful nations.

According to the just-released Standards Compliance Index, which ranks a country’s compliance with the TwelveKey Standards for Sound Financial Systems (Standards and Codes), India ranks 47th! That is below such countries as Brazil, Chile, Kazakhstan, Romania, Thailand, and even Colombia!

In the Business Indicator Index, India actually ranks 71st, with only the following countries worse off: Bolivia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Cameroon, Syria, Algeria, Vietnam, Thailand and Iran!

The Business Indicator Index ranks a country’s overall political, economic, and business environment.

For full details see:

Prabhu Guptara

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