Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

India – Diabetic Capital of the World

India has a new dubious distinction now - Diabetic capital of the world! A Recent Report tells about the dramatic rise in diabetic cases in India, amouting for nearly 25% of cases in the world. WHO reports that by 2025, India will have over 57 million cases of type 2 diabetic.

November 14th is the World Diabetic Day (never heard of that?) Guess what, Indians are some of the leading medical reserachers and scientists in this field. In my own families,  many suffer from Diabetics and I have lost some due to this disease. Changing lifestyles, work habits, diets, new rest patterns etc all contributes to this dramatic rise.

Maybe Indian scientists can find a cure of this deadly disease. How will Indian problems challenge Indian minds to contribute to the world-causes? Will Indian brains find a match for the challenges of AIDS, poverty, diseases, education, healthcare etc?

Hey… how is your sugar level?

Coconut Generation

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