1. Since I haven't written any serious updates of late...
2. Imagine walking down some street and scraggly looking slum kids who come begging suddenly recognize you and smile sheepishly... "Hello Teacher!!"...their grimy but loving hand extended. And even though I can only communicate with them in my very broken Hindi, it's a really good feeling, knowing you've impacted their life in some way, however small.
3. I also go every week to a couple schools. The kids have started recognizing us so as soon as we're on the premises, I hear "Goodmorning Miss!!" all over the place. I can't begin to describe the feeling of knowing that I've touched their life with my simple going their every week to speak to them, spend time with them, teach them songs and skits.
4. I've gotten quite accustomed to traveling by the Mumbai trains...quite the feat if you know anything about the Mumbai railway. Also done a lot of traveling by bus, rickshaw, walking, etc.
5. Just came back from worship practice...I've been leading worship at the church here recently. And I'm so incredibly humbled when I think about the grace of God and the ways in which He works. Before Mumbai, it had been almost a year since I led worship, as in for a full blown adult church service.
And it's funny cuz I've been doing everything but leading worship in the last few months and when they asked me to lead a few weeks back, I was like, "God I don't know if I can do this...but if You will give me the grace, I will go in Your strength." And what can I say except that God is faithful. In the natural it doesn't make much sense because the only "worship leading" I've been doing is singing with the kids at the orphanage in Goa and teaching songs to the slum children who are part of Vision Rescue and also the kids at school.
But somehow, even by doing the small little things and being faithful in what God has entrusted me with, I've grown as a worship leader. I guess it's the fact that I've grown as a person and in my walk with Christ and that translates into the way I lead worship. I'm just so very humbled...it's like God has touched my voice, my hands to play both guitar and piano, and when I speak to my team, literally, it's like God is speaking through me because there's no way I could think of even half the things that come out of my mouth.
To top all that off, I'm even leading Hindi songs. All the praise goes to my Saviour and Him alone because, in my own strength, I am nowhere near good enough (musically, spiritually, mentally) to do the things He's allowing me to do. I remember small beginnings way back in Portland. I remember Kerala Fellowship in Vancouver and doing what I could with just my guitar. I remember when Integrated began and that whole journey. I remember waiting on God and doing nothing even remotely resembling worship leading in Atlanta. I remember all the girls and boys in Goa. And here I am today... I'm truly humbled.
6. God has also been teaching me about how closely entwined worship and missions are. I've been reading "Let the Nations Be Glad" by John Piper, who makes the very important point that the ultimate goal of the church is not missions, but worship. Missions exists because worship doesn't. Missions has to do with man and it is temporary. Worship has to do with God and it is eternal. Worship fuels missions and it is also the goal of missions. And if you truly are a worshipper, your heart will beat for missions. The two cannot be separated. (I'd recommend the book to everyone, especially if you are a worship leader or invovled in ministry and missions.)
7. Mom, Niki and Ammachi will be here in a couple days...
8. My future in secure in Christ.
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