Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Can We Bring Yesterday Back Around?

Discussion material on Sugababes Song: About You Now by Samuel Thambusamy

What is the world tuning to? This week Sugababes have moved places. ‘About You Now’ has moved from No 35 to the top of the UK chart.

Music has a way of finding us and entering our ‘mind-space’. Here are some questions that you can take with you as you listen to the song. Hopefully, these questions (and the answers you bring to them) will help you engage in an informed conversation with your friends.

Listen to the Sugababes song, ‘ About You Now‘

It was so easy that night
Should’ve been strong
Yeah I lied
Nobody gets me like you

couldn’t keep hold of you then
how could i know what you meant
there was nothin to compare too

I know everything changes
All the cities and faces
But I know how I feel
About you


Theres a mountain between us
But theres one thing im sure of
That i know how i feel
About you

Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
About you now

All that it takes
One more chance
Don’t let our last kiss
Be our last
Give me tonight and I’ll show you

I know everything changes
I don’t care where it takes us
Cause I know how I feel
About you

Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now

Not a day passed me by
Not a day passed me by
When I don’t think about you
And there’s no moving on
Cause I know you’re the one
And I can’t be without you

Can we bring yesterday
Back around
Cause I know how I feel
About you now
I was dumb I was wrong
I let you down
But I know how I feel
about you now

But i know how i feel about you now
Yeah i know how i feel about you now

( The video are the property of the respective artist/company. Lyrics/video are given here only for educational purposes)

Music Conversations (by Samuel Thambusamy)

1) What is this song about?

I was dumb/I was wrong/I let you down/but I know how I feel about you now.

2) There is a breakdown of relationships which accentuates the urban ‘despair’. It’s too late when people realise there’s a mountain in-between. How do you think we can level the mountain?

3) Can we bring yesterday back around. Is that possible? What must we do to bring yesterday back around?

4) Everything changes ” all the cities and faces”. There’s one thing I am sure about. Can we trust our feelings? Do we follow our heart or do we trust our brains?

Not a day passed me by/when I don’t think about you/ And there’s no moving on/coz I know youre the one/ and I can’t be without you.

5) Why then do we let go our love? What can make us hold on to our love? Why do we find ourselves weak, especially at times we need to be strong?

6) What do you like about this song? What do you dislike about the song? Is there anything you can learn from the song?

Samuel Thambusamy 

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