Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Can “The Coldest Heart” Skip A Beat?

A discussion on The Coldest Heart (Classic Crime) by Bobby Thejus

A couple of years and I’m a silhouette
My halo is broken now and I’m all that’s left
I hate to disappoint but it’s the way things went
I was bound to the things I did
And after what was said
Tie up these loose ends
These voices are calling me out
I’ve got the solution
You can feed me to something
That is leaving this doubt

Whoa, I’m losing hope
There’s a hole in my heart
That’s been cut out of stone
Whoa, cold comes cold goes
Could you fill this hole?
Cause I can’t do it alone

A couple of tears and I’m a broken mess
The sadness has taken me far too deep in regret
So sing me a song about something good
My heart’s on the thrashing floor
And I’ve done every single thing I could
I use to believe in
Some kind of feelin’
That could change everything I thought I knew
But that door is closed and
My hert feels like it’s frozen
If you hear me I can feel you

I’ve got the coldest heart (4x)
(Cause I can’t do it alone)

The song and lyrics are the property of the respective artists. The lyrics and video are provided for educational purposes only.

Questions for discussion (by Bobby Thejus)

Is it possible to identify or pin-point issues that have caused a particular pain/ hurt or struggle? Or have we gone so far for long that we are unable to spot the point of deviation?

What are some of the things that we are bound to which in turn make our hearts cold?

What does it mean to be hopeless?

Do we respond to the voices that call us out of hopelessness? If yes/no how and why?

“The coldest heart can be brought to life when it’s thrown into the fire of goodbyes” what does this solution imply?

“There is a hole in my heart”, what have we tried to fill this hole with?

“Could you fill this hole? Cause I can’t do it alone”‘ If we can’t do it ourselves then who can?

Blaise Pascal said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every person, and it can never be filled by any created thing. It can only be filled by God.” What do think about this statement? Does this statement make sense? If yes/no why?

WisdomTree Blog

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