Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Manifestation of His Presense

Venue : Word of Faith Revival Church, Johor Bahru in Malaysia
Time :8.00 -11.30 pm
Extended Prayer and Worship

Acts 2, Hebrew 6, Hebrews 10

We had our extended time of prayer and worship at WOF and present were almost 20 of our believers. After a time of worship I felt led to share a portion of scripture from Hebrews 6 which speaks of Paul exhorting the recipients of the letter to obtain the promises of God through faith and patience. In a busy and an instant society that we live -instant burgers, instant coffee, instant this and instant that, we as Christians are missing out on what the Lord wants to release on us because of this attitude.

Impatience to wait, the lack of stick -ability and commitment of the part of the believer-seems to be the great failure to see our prayers answered and receiving the miracle that we believing for.

I also shared during this strong initial session of prayer time, a testimony a woman and her deformed son who received a miracle-in fact 27 miracles in 10-15 minutes because of her persistence. I continued to encourage our believers in WOF to have the tenacity to walk with God and to have a fighting spirit. As I was about to finish these session, I sensed and felt a strong, powerful anointing coming upon me and the presense of the Lord was tangible among us.

By this time it was almost 9.45 pm, and we entered into time of worship and to wait upon the Lord. The was obviously a tangible presense in the hall. Every one was in attitude of prayer and worship when I had an impression to be quiet in the presense of the Lord. As we waited quietly, the Lord began to move in prophecy and vision.

One of the sisters said that she saw in a vision the Lord Jesus coming from the back of the church hall and dressed as a high priest and representing us as intercessor and advocate before the Father. As He move towards the front portion of the hall, the glory of the Lord like a thick cloud was enveloping the people The whole place was full of smoke.

One of our youth girls, who was was sitting near the pulpit area testified that she has a kind of heavy blanket or something weighty coming on her and she was pressed down almost to the floor in worship. She said that tears were flowing freely as she worshipped. Some who sat nearby experienced similar things.

As we continued on in this attitude of prayer, the Lord began to show me a vision too. In that vision I saw a scroll that was in the hands of the Lord. Written on the scroll in numerical succession, were all the accusations that satan and his hosts bringing against the believer. Also written, were the accusations of others, and even our own accusations about ourselves. As He was opening up the scroll, I saw drops of blood falling on the scroll and blotting out the accusations one by one.

This is the picture of the precious blood of Jesus that cleanses us and sets us free from all condemnation and guilt. Then I saw in my spirit a fountain that is filled with blood flooding that scroll and literally washing it away. There is power in the Blood to loose us from every guilty stain. Others also experienced different visions and words of encouragement from the Lord.

After a break, we moved into time of praying in tongues. As we began to explore the different areas of praying in the spirit, the Lord, began to move us deeper in the spirit-singing in tongues, praying rapidly in tongues, praying in warfare tongues. As we were finishing this session, we all sensed a tremendous building up of our inner man into greater capacity to receive from the Lord.

We are believing God for more of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our church.

Faith That Takes

Faith Food

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