Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

CONNEXT 2007 – North American Youth Leaders Conference in NY

Just got back home last night after 10 days being in London, UK. I went there primarily for SAGC, a gathering of young leaders of South Asian from around the world. It was humbling to see what God is doing among the South Asian Diaspora and the challenge of what need to be done.

It was a great time reconnect with old friends and make new ones. With some of them, I had been communicating over email for some time and it was great to sit down and hear their life stories. I also had the opportunity to visit two of the local congregations. The Coconut Generation book was featured at the conference as a resource.

I presented two seminars on ‘Identity Struggles on South Asian Youth’. It was for the first time, the ideas in the book where research was limited to the North American context, was being shared with a global audience and feedbacks had been overwhelming. Some expressed need for doing similar research among their own context and agreed that theoretical and theological framework are transferable to other contexts as well.

Overall a great gathering indeed. Now looking forward to the North American Youth Leaders conference in NY - If you haven’t registered yet, please do that asap. Seats are limited.

Coconut Generation

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