Our Story

The vision of South Asian Christians began in prayer. . . I spoke to my Regent College mentor Dr. Mathew Koshy and he connected me to Dr. TV Thomas of the Centre for World Evangelization and Missions. Dr. TV Thomas affirmed the vision the LORD has given to me and inspired me to attempt great things for the LORD.
He encouraged me to pray and pursue this vision of the LORD. This led to the birthing of the South Asian Connection website, the South Asian Global Convention SAGC 2004 Vancouver, SAGC 2007 London and SAGC 2009 in Singapore movement and later this South Asian Christians website.
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History of South Asian Christians website. Resurrection of a God-Birth Vision
WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN. There is so much to write of the story of this website.
- The vision of South Asian Christians began in prayer. In the spring of 2002, I was reading my Bible and praying during morning devotion in my living room at Arcadia Street of the University of British Columbia campus. I was then in my 2nd year studying for my Master’s degree at Regent College in Vancouver, Canada. God spoke to me clearly through Acts 13:36a. Serving God’s Purposes In Our Generation. That morning, the Holy Spirit fell on me powerfully and I was prostrated myself on the cold wooden floor weeping and speaking in tongues for a very long time.

- The LORD showed me a rotating globe and then a world map with time zones with these words 2004 Vancouver, 2007 London , 2009 Singapore and a gathering of South Asian Christians.

3. I spoke to my Regent College mentor Dr. Mathew Koshy and he connected me to Dr. TV Thomas of the Centre for World Evangelization and Missions. Dr. TV Thomas affirmed the vision the LORD has given to me and inspired me to attempt great things for the LORD. He encouraged me to pray and pursue this vision of the LORD. This led to the birthing of the South Asian Connection website, the South Asian Global Convention SAGC 2004 Vancouver, SAGC 2007 London and SAGC 2009 in Singapore movement and later this South Asian Christians website.

4. I want to thank God for bringing Will Son and Alexander Mathews into my life. They were instrumental in helping me with the ground work for the SAGC. God divinely brought Will Son to be my best friend and ministry partner. You see, I was all alone in Vancouver, Canada with not much friends. Truly, Will Son is a gem of a guy with a true heart to serve God. Will Son, you are the best thing and person that has happened in my life.
- I want to thank Punjabi Masihi Church http://punjabichurch.ca/ in Delta, BC, Canada especially Pastor Balbir Sheena, Dr. Mathew Koshy and Pastor Jagpal Dhaliwal Pastor Ada Dhaliwal. They cancelled one Sunday Service in August 2004 to make this vision come true to the glory of God.

- I also want to thank Rajesh Gupta Sarita Gupta who undertook to finance all the meals for the SAGC 2004 Convention in Vancovuer. I am deeply humbled. You gave all the convention delegates the best of North Indian food. It was beyond my wildest expectations. Thank you Rajesh Gupta Sarit and your wonderful family. SAGC 2004 Vancouver was simply awesome. Thank you to the Youth and Young Adults of PMC Church http://punjabichurch.ca/ who did an excellent job for God with all the background work. Wasn’t it fun when we serve God wholeheartedly with a sense of purpose and meaning. Will Son, Alexander Mathews, Shereen Garstin, Rohaib Garstin, Shauna Pawar, Kam Bhatti, Mogna Uppal, Gurg, Sanju, Amar Krishnan and others in the TEAM SAGC.
- You see I had nothing. I was a poor Bible School student struggling and studying for my Master’s degree. But God provided everything to the glory of His name. I marvel at the wondrous, mysterious ways of God.

- It was during this time of the preparation of SAGC 2004 Vancouver that God birth the South Asian Connection.com website.

9. Thank you Amit Bhatia of Singapore for setting up the website from scratch. You were working for Interspire Australia and your wonderful boss gave the free Interspire software to us for free as a charity. Amit Bhatia, you were used by Almighty God for the genesis and initial set up of the South Asian Connection.com website. Over a short few months, I took over from there learning how to update articles and blogs faithfully every few days.

10. SAGC London Sam Boot

11. SAGC 2009 Singapore

12. The South Asian Connection.com website had about 2100 articles and blogs mostly updated by Pastor Pritam Singh while I was studying then and Pastoring SAIF-Church in Singapore. That accounts for all the late night hours. I thank God that God entrusted me with this vision because I make sure things get done. No excuses no matter how busy I was.

13. I truly enjoyed this website work. No one saw or knew that it was basically a one man show with Will Son helping me along the way.

14. Over 7 long years from 2004 to 2011, 2100 articles and blogs were uploaded. This involved a lot of work. Writing emails to seek permission to use materials for this aggregate website, attending to emails from people wanting to publish articles with their profiles, images and articles. There was lots of proof-reading and editing. I want to thank Benita Grace Joy and Indu Shanmugan for doing a brilliant job helping me.

15. Finances. This is a non-for- profit website with zero income. I basically invested whatever little money I had all to this cause. I carried this burden personally in my heart and in my daily prayers.

16. Back then, I was earning $500 in Canada as student. In Singapore, I was paid $1500 with a new young family in 2005. Those were difficult days of famine and lack. Those were really tight days and I did not buy anything non-essential at all for years. Salvation Army and used things became my lot.

18. I had no credit card then as my income was very low. Poor credit history where most things were bought via debit or cash. I used my wife’s credit card for the website transactions. My wife Balbir Kaur was on maternity leave in Canada for a year 2004-2005 where we subsequently move back to Singapore in January 2005. From 2005, we as a family had no credit card. That’s unusually cool.

19. Credit Card help from Viviene Sandhu. OMG, I am eternally thankful to have the most beyond boundaries good-hearted niece of mine who is a gem of a person Viviene Sandhu. Many times, I spoke to Viviene about the dreams and things in my heart over the coffee and cake she would invite me to her workplace at Clifford Centre. Viviene Sandhu helped me by allowing me to use her credit card details. She said, “Just Spend What You Need For The Website.” – Have you met anyone like Viviene Sandhu? Thank you Viviene Sandhu for paying the credit card bills when I could not pay. In fact, I had no credit card at all. Some of the bills for yearly GoDaddy domain, BlueHost hosting cost and software upgrades were so huge, you kindly absorbed it all. How can I ever thank you enough here on earth and in heaven above.
20. Year 2007 Pioneered SAIF-Church in Singapore.
21. South Asian Connection.com domain bought by a Russian. Bidded till it was too expensive. He kept upping the price. This is ridiculous. My website and I have to bid and buy it from this Russian. I Gave up as I had no more left. GOD TOLD ME TO LET GO. . . . IT WAS VERY VERY HARD.
21. Days, weeks, months of deep sadness, depression and tears. God, I lost the website. I have been unfaithful LORD. Forgive me LORD a thousand time.
22. Edmonton, Canada 2019 October. Met Dennis, a Filipino who did the humble work of sound and light at a conference. During break time, I spoke with Dennis. What do you do? I am a webmaster.
23. HELP FROM GOD. Dennis, can you help me retreive all my content from the 16 years old website. He spent a long time, migrated it from Blue Host.
22. South Asian Christians was birth. I bought the South Asian Christians and South Asian Christian .com, .net, .live, .site, .org, .online, .info, .life, .site etc. . . Basically Blocking These Sites. Spent a bomb but necessary.
23. I am working on this. Need to clean up the draft. Soon to be finished.