Suresh and Jyoti Guptara

The bestselling twin authors were born on 22nd November 1988 to an Indian father and British mother in England, where they stayed until the age of seven, when they moved to Switzerland. Jyoti probably became the youngest full-time writer in the world when he left school at the age of fifteen, while Suresh completed his A-levels at Bradfield College before joining him.
Now 18, the twins continue to write the Insanity Saga, occasionally leaving their desks to give presentations on related subjects and to sign books at schools, literary organisations and festivals. Their interests lie in literacy, sports and health, philanthropy, encouraging young people to realise their potential, and promoting innovation.
Heroes of the Guptara twins - Jesus, Winston Churchill, JRR Tolkien, George MacDonald, Stephen Lawhead, CS Lewis, Richard Adams, Tad Williams, John Grisham and Our Family