Shane Bennett

Meet Shane Bennett! Shane has moved on to another organization, Frontiers, but continues to work with us as part of the team producing the Missions Catalyst e-Magazine. Shane has served in missions mobilization since 1987, primarily recruiting, training, and sending short-term research teams. He's been on teams in Bangkok, Bombay, and Turkey. He coauthored Exploring the Land, a guide to researching unreached peoples, and has written numerous articles.
"I'm an ordinary guy. I began school planning to be a pastor, but through a number of people and events, God focused my calling on missions, specifically catalyzing efforts for the world's most underevangelized peoples. After twenty years of barely venturing beyond the borders of Indiana, God began bouncing me around the world. In each place my objective has been, with a team of people, to discover how the church might be established where it hasn't yet."
"I now work as a speaker and writer for Frontiers, a sharp organization focused on extending God's blessing in the Muslim world. I'm also focusing my mobilization efforts on a really cool church in Indiana."
"I think the key message that God has given me to say is that missions is important because of who God is. It's all about him. Missions certainly, but also the rest of life. His glory is paramount."