Sakshi Times

Sakshi Times is the official website of Sakshi: An Apologetics Network in India. Sakshi conducts open forums, issue based seminars and region specific trainings in apologetics. A witness in a court of law takes an oath to “speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” It is an incredible claim especially given the universal human fondness for half-truths and untruths. And yet it is a positive admission that in a culture of suspicion and deceit, the truth may still be known. What is Sakshitimes? (“Sakshi” means “a witness” in many Indian languages) is a website which serves as a platform for those committed to exploring and testifying to the truth encountered in various arenas of life. We think that all truth ultimately leads us to God - The Infinite and Loving Creator and Sustainer of the universe.
At we hold that this truth is revealed to us uniquely in the person of the one human being who claimed to be The Truth - Jesus Christ. We hold that some views are true and some views are false. With those who have views that conflict with ours, we are willing to hear and learn. We are willing to discuss, dialogue and debate with anyone who will be open to a free and fair interaction. There is much that we don’t know. We believe however, that what we do know is sufficient to enable human beings to find the meaning and purpose for our lives.
Through this website, we at are committed to making truth known. This website contains articles by the “friends of Sakshitimes” from different parts of the world. Towards that end, we conduct dialogues, debates, discussions, open forums and other forms of interaction. Through these avenues we hope to facilitate the development of individuals and communities across the world so that they may be bold witnesses of and to the truth. We also recognize our limitations and the possibility that we might err. If anyone finds anything that is not truthful in our content or conduct, please feel free to let us know.
To contact Sakshi, mail us at