Prayer For Nepal Global Network (PFN-GN)

Prayer for Nepal Global Network (PFN-GN) is an united prayer solidarity network of Nepalis, friends and partners around the world who are actively praying for Nepal. It has been coordinated by the Nepali Christian community who serves and networks with the friends and partners of Nepal around the globe including Nepali Diasporas. We are dedicated and committed to the Nepali Church, friends and partners around the globe and seek to serve God in transforming lives, communities and the nation both physically and spiritually through prayer, unity, and partnership.
It's all about: Uniting in Prayer Globally and Acting Together Locally!
To Manifest the Love of Christ and His Kingdom Effectively!
Vision: To see the Kingdom of God manifested in each village of Nepal through the power of the Gospel of Christ, prayer, unity and action in partnership and networking.