The Lord God has chosen and anointed Brother Othniel Andrew to serve Him by faith for the last 35 years in India and in many other countries of the world. He was called to reach the unreached while working as a Scientific Officer in 1985 near Mumbai. He has since been involved in cross-cultural missions and evangelism, church-planting, Bible-teaching and training leaders all over India, and overseas. His emphasis in the ministry has been on multiplying quality disciple-makers based on Matthew 28:18-20 and Colossians 1:28-29.
Othniel Andrew was born in 1959 and brought up in Hubli, Karnataka in a believers’ family who were formerly from Hindu background. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord in 1976, at the age of 17 years while in the first year of college. He studied Bachelor and Master of Science and received training in theology, missions, leadership, communications and church-planting, etc., from various international institutions.
The Lord inspired him to write nearly 40 books and numerous pamphlets on various doctrinal, leadership and practical issues. Many Churches, Pastors/Leaders and Bible Colleges are using his practical course manual, "The Challenge of Making Disciples," first written in 2002 and updated several times.
Recently, he launched a new project called “Life Development Centre” Jeevan Vikas Kendra (Hindi))” as outreach centres in different backward unreached areas in and around Thane City of Mumbai to “empower through education.” Many lives are being transformed through various spiritual and community development activities. The ministry has been officially registered in 1996 as “Calvary Centre Charitable Trust.” The Maharashtra State Govt also issued the License as a Marriage Registrar to conduct Christian marriages in the Church.
You can contact Othniel Andrew via email: othniel2819@gmail.com | FB: OthnielA1 |