Mitra Rambaran

Mitra Rambaran is here name. Background - Surinamese-Hindostani Dutch. Born . . . Zeist, Province Utrecht, the Netherlands. Raised the Netherlands; India; Suriname. Travelled Tunisia; Brazil; South Africa. Worked
Amsterdam; the hinterland of Suriname and in Paramaribo. At present ...
Working in The Hague, The Netherlands. Education University of Maastricht:
Health Sciences: Health Education. Mediapark Hilversum: Multicultural Media Masterclasses Kamer van Koophandel Utrecht: Mediashakers Media business management. Mitra says: "I have a mission. I want to bring out the most beautiful in people. My camera shall be my pen, my weapon and my friend." Website: HannaBaran Media Productions and and European Network on Indian Christians.