L.T. Jeyachandran

L.T. Jeyachandran hails from Tamil Nadu in South India. He graduated from PSG College of Technology, affiliated with University of Madras (Chennai), and later received a Master of Technology degree in Structural Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chennai. L.T. worked in several parts of India for 28 years as a Senior Civil Engineer with the Central (Federal) Government. The last position he held was that of Chief Engineer in charge of 13 states of India in the Eastern Zone while based in the city of Calcutta.
L.T. discovered the meaning of new life in Christ Jesus during his undergraduate college days. He has been involved in preaching the Gospel in conferences and is well known as a Bible expositor. He is a keen student of theology and comparative religions, and also interested in the study of Indian and foreign languages. He is knowledgeable in both Hebrew and Greek and is thus able to handle Scripture effectively in his ministry.
He took early retirement from the Government in November 1993 to join Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in India and functioned as Director of Ministries there till December 2000. In that capacity, he had been training leaders in seminars for Christians and conducting open forums for people from other faiths. He also served as a Bible teacher for RZIM and other conferences.
Since January 2001, L.T. has been working as Executive Director of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (Asia-Pacific) office overseeing the ministry in that region. He is based in Singapore with his wife, Esther. They have two children, Preeti and Pranay. Preeti and her husband David live and work in Dhaka, Bangladesh with Oasis Transformation. They have a daughter, Alisha, and a son, Ashray. Pranay and his wife Vani live outside of London, England, where Pranay works as a market research executive. They have two daughters, Manarah and Ameiyah.