Johny Fernandez

Johny has served with Zion Ministries in Goa since his teens. He moved to London at the age of twenty-four for economic reasons. He thought that he would be in London for four years and then go back to Goa but realised that this was the place the LORD wanted him to settle in and fulfil His life’s calling.
On arriving to London, Johny joined Holy Nation Church (AOG). Till today, he is at the same church serving since 2008 as one of the Pastors. He also oversees the Evangelism Ministries at the church and leads teams on missions to different parts of the world.
Johny’s Cyprus trips started in April of 2016. On his first apostolic trip, he met five Punjabi students and this led to three of them coming to salvation and becoming followers of Jesus.
Johny kept going back to serve the Punjabi community and linked up with a Filipino Church as he felt that this was the leading from the Lord. Then in 2018 October, through a prophetic word, and through more confirmations from the word of God, his pastors sent him to do church planting in Cyprus.
The House of Glory Punjabi Church was planted on 28th October 2018 in Nicosia, Cyprus. Nicosia is the only divided capital city in the world with some of it on the north side of Cyprus, which is occupied by Turkey.
The Church vision is from 1 Peter 2:5 “You Also, Like Living Stones, Are Being Built Into A Spiritual House To Be A Holy Priesthood, Offering Spiritual Sacrifices Acceptable To God Through Jesus Christ.”
The Church recently celebrated its 2nd Church anniversary. There is a revival amongst the Punjabi Community in Cyprus and he is extremely pleased to be part of this work to serve and reach out to the Punjabi community.
The House of Glory Punjabi Church is in the process of expanding its church planting efforts to other two villages called Paliomaitcho and Athineou.
God is raising up an army of Punjabi Christians in Cyprus to reach out to the Punjabi community in Cyprus, to mainland Europe and others parts of the world and also to other nationalities.