Jeevanmarg Foundation Vision
Jeevanmarg Foundation is an evangelical organization that reaches out to those who search for the truth, meaning and purpose of life. Our vision is to inspire the truth seekers to receive the fullness of life in Jesus Christ through the life stories that ignite the passion in their hearts to walk on the path of following Jesus as His disciples.
Who We Are
We are God’s children by virtue of our faith in Jesus Christ (John 1:12) and ambassadors of His kingdom. We as an evangelical organization use diverse life stories of those who profess a common faith in Jesus Christ and who unitedly testify to their eternal life in Him to an unbelieving audience using digital media.
Jeevanmarg.com is a safe and secure place for nourishing, encouraging, and uplifting our friends who are on the journey to seek the absolute truth. It is a collection of testimonies of Indian friends from all walks of life, who also share an intimate relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is not a place to condemn or look down upon any religious belief or ideology.
It is not a place to “convert” anyone from their religion or belief.
It is not a place to promote a hidden agenda or ideology.
But rather,
It is a place to listen and share the work of God in one’s personal life.
It is a place to witness true stories and testimonies of changed lives.
It is a place to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that there are so many of Indians who have found the meaning and purpose in their life.
We all want to learn from them and grow in our walk towards God. We are from India and we are proud to be Indians. We cannot change being Indians, that is who we are. In the same way, we are proud of our culture and heritage. Inviting or following Jesus Christ in one’s life does not change his/her cultural identity.
We truly understand that following Jesus could be the single most important decision you would ever make. It would impact you, your family, friends, and every decision you will make. So, It is our heart’s desire and prayer that you may give a sincere consideration to this ‘Jesus Christ’, We are convinced from our own experiences, you will not be the same.
If you would like to know more about Jesus, if you have any questions, comments, or disagreements, please contact us at info@jeevanmarg.com. If you would like to share your own testimony of how Jesus Christ has changed your life, we would love to publish here on Jeevanmarg. Please write back to us. We will not reveal any personal information, if you choose not to.
In His Eternal Service, Jeevanmarg Foundation.