Bhupinder Singh

Bhupinder Singh, founder of His Prayer House website, was born and brought up in India but moved to Canada in 1996. He is an Information Technology professional and presently works in a major Canadian bank as the technical head of the teams that design and develop new banking software. Being a brilliant student, he achieved top scholarship awards during his academic career. Bhupinder Singh comes from a devout Sikhi background - reading, meditating and following Sikh scriptures daily. However, his wife Mona had a mighty encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ that changed the life of this couple. They accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and started studying the Bible. “Ever since then, my life has changed completely”says Bhupinder Singh –"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. 2 Corinthian 5: 17. "Now my only desire is to serve my Lord and to know Him more and more.” says Bhupinder Singh who is reaching out to the South Asian communities of diverse persuasions to bring people to the Lord.