Benji Prasad Karra

Benji Prasad Karra is 27 and is a missionary/ evangelist. He holds a Bachelor of Theology and lives in Andra Pradesh, India. Benji was born into a Christian family and was raised in the fear of the Lord by his godly parents. However, he hated Christian work when he saw Christian missionaries struggle with difficulties, threats, hardships and persecution. He often wondered why people would want to share the Gospel when there is persecution. . . . . but God did a massive inward transformation in his life and today Benji has dedicated his life to serve God's purposes for present generation of students at different schools, colleges and universities. It is very sad that recent surveys reveal that not many are wiling to serve God because of financial challenges. Hence the labourers are few. Let’s support missionaries and help expand God's kingdom. Please pray for me as I make plans for student/ youth outreaches with the good news of Jesus Christ.