Here at Stutiaradhna we are committed to help the Hindi Church and worship leaders around the world to grow in their worship and musical gifts, and walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe that Christian worship has great power to break strongholds in the lives of believers and all who listen to these type of music. Whenever you come on your knees and lift up your voice to praise His Holy Name, the enemy and all the forces of darkness losses its control. When you sing songs of praise, there is freedom and deliverance, and the Spirit of God moves in our midst doing mighty things according to His promises.
So never stop praising Him. Even in your darkest hour, come to Him in worship and adoration. Spend time daily reading His Word. And live a life as Jesus said in Matthew 5:16 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."