Abhijeet Anu Lakra

They have 2 boys Nathan and Noah Lakra. Anu was born in Palri Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh and Abhijeet was born in Bokaro Steel City in Jharkhand, India.
They spent 2 years in Tokyo, Japan as computer professionals and have been residing in Singapore since 2010.
Their hobbies include travelling, hiking the outdoors and exploring nature.
Anu’s favourite Bible verse is “Rejoice In The Lord Always. I Will Say It Again: Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4
Abhijeet’s favourite Bible verse is “The One Who Is Faithful In A Very Little Thing Is Also Faithful In Much.” Luke 16:10a
Nathan’s favourite Bible verses and chapter is the whole of Psalm 150.
Noah’s favourite Bible verse is “Heal Me, Lord, And I Will Be Healed; Save Me And I Will Be Saved, For You Are The One I Praise.” Jeremiah 17:14